Assignments for 02/10/2020

Assignments due for the week of February 10th, 2020


Hopefully, you now understand the meaning of the Logical Fallacies listed on page 24 of your notebook. Watch the following video to learn more about some of the most common fallacies.

Create two bumper stickers with a phrase that demonstrates one of the logical fallacies. You must use two different fallacies, and your bumper stickers need to be illustrated. You can either draw these on a sheet of paper, or you can design them on your computer. Also, identify two different logical fallacies (on a separate sheet of paper) from any advertisements of your choice. (radio, TV, internet, billboard, etc.) Now is a good time to watch the recent Super Bowl ads and find two examples. You can easily find these online.

Explorations in British Literature

We will finish our study of John Keats and his “Ode to a Nightingale” next week. Read the excerpts on pages 125-129 from Jane Austen’s novels. Underline details that reveal something of early 19 th century life or details that challenge what you know of the Romantic movement. Read the Victorian excerpts on pages 130-132. Underline any statement that gives an example of exploitation of 19 th century people. (a protest of ways people are being treated) On pages 133-137, read Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott”. Define the rhyme scheme that Tennyson used. On page 137 write a paragraph that tells the story of the poem. (What happened, and who was involved?) In Part C give an example of the contrasting pairs.

You can listen to the poem and see it illustrated here:

Don’t forget to be ready for an assignment in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens in our next class. You will receive a study guide, but you will need to get or borrow a copy of the book.

No-Spin Economics

Be prepared for a quiz on your notes from The Law by Frederic Bastiat, Crash Course Economics video # 1, and Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Chapters 1 and 2. You can study the notes we went over and also refer to the past assignments below to watch the video again.

Also, read Chapters 3 & 4 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Watch Crash Course video # 3 and complete the handouts from both assignments.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and answer questions 19-51 in your study guide.

Abridged version—–Chapters 13-27
Unabridged version——Chapters 16-35

There’s an unraveling plot, suspense, and surprises in this section, along with lots of new characters!

Watch the following video to see the Chateau d’If as it is today.

Please watch the video AFTER you have read this week’s assignment.

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 02/03/2020

Assignments due for the week of February 3rd, 2020


In your Debate notebook, read Susan B. Anthony’s speech on pages 16 and 17. Then answer the questions on page 17 and be ready to discuss them in class. Look at “The 35 Greatest Speeches in History” and choose one speech from the list, print it out, and bring it to class next week. We will use these in a listening activity.

Explorations in British Literature

Read Samuel Tayler Coleridge’s poem “Kubla Khan” on pages 113 and 114. (Be prepared for a “weird” trip to Xanadu as he recounts his dream, full of the supernatural and imagination!) Answer the questions on page 114. Read the excerpt from Mary Shelley’s Gothic novel Frankenstein and answer the three questions. Check out the picture on page 118 along with Percy Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias” and answer the brief questions. Lastly, read John Keats’s “Ode to a Nightengale” on pages 120 and 121. Skip to pages 123 and 124 to answer the questions about his “ode”.

Listen to this lyrical poem by Robert Burns that has been set to music:

No-Spin Economics

Great job today discussing The Law and the Crash Course Economics video! Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Complete the worksheets you were given in class with all the main points in the chapters. Also watch Crash Course Economics # 2 (Specialization and Trade) below and fill out the study guide you received.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Begin reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and answer questions 1-18 in your new study guide.

Abridged version–Chapters 1-12
Unabridged version–Chapters 1-15

Be prepared to begin an intriguing adventure of exciting plot twists and captivating characters!!

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 01/27/2020

Snowflakes banner

Assignments due for the week of January 27th, 2020


You were assigned to one of three groups: logos, pathos, or ethos. Find the origin of the word, various meanings, changes over the years, and other words related to it. Be prepared to share your results in class.

Watch the following clip from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and identify the faulty logic.

Construct a simple syllogism that is both valid and sound and hand it in at the beginning of our next class.

Explorations in British Literature

We will finish page 103 together in class next week. Read Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” on pages 104-106 and answer the questions about each stanza. Read the two poems on pages 107 and 108 by Robert Burns (from Scotland) and answer the questions. Read and answer the questions about William Blake’s two poems, “”The Lamb” and “The Tyger” on pages 109 and 110. Read William Wordsworth’s excerpt from “Tintern Abbey” and complete the questions. (These are all Romantic poets.)

Listen to Blake’s poem “The Tyger” instead of reading it. 🙂

No-Spin Economics

We’ll look forward to looking at your “Economic IQ” again at the end of the semester and noting the changes!

As a basis for our study of economics, watch the following brief summary of Frederic Bastiat’s The Law and complete the sheet of key facts you were given in class.

Watch Crash Course Economics Video #1 (Introduction to Economics) and complete the study sheet you were given in class. (Questions 1-18) We will discuss, explain, and apply the main points.

Remember to secure a copy of the book Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? (by Richard Maybury) as we will have an assignment in it next week.

Quick Looks at Great Books

We will finish our study guide for Cyrano de Bergerac next week in class and have a game review before our test on the play. Watch the following final scene from the story.

In your Literary Terms notebook, complete pages 1-3 (Denotation and Connotation), pages 4 & 5 (Idiom), pages 8 & 9 (Imagery), pages 13-15 (Oxymoron and Paradox), and pages 22-24 (Alliteration).



Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 01/20/2020

Snowflakes banner

Assignments due for the week of January 20th, 2020


winter Last day of class and review of test procedures, strategies, and subject matter. Hope to see all of you next week as we begin a semester of Debate!



Explorations in British Literature

Quiz next week on the Elizabethan Age. Study the terms from your Twelfth Night test as well as the terms and other material we reviewed in class.

Read Jonathan Swift’s satirical story, “A Modest Proposal”.

List examples of the devices used in the story on page 95.

Read the excerpt by Samuel Johnson about the life of Alexander Pope on pages 96 and 97 and answer the questions on page 98.

Read Daniel Defoe’s journalistic fiction about the 1665 plague and answer the questions on page 101.

US Government

Fantastic final review of all you have studied this semester in U.S. Government!! I think you will really be proud of all you know from this final exam!! See you in Economics next week as we begin a new semester that will continue our studies of this important subject for future adults!

Quick Looks at Great Books

Finish the story of Cyrano by reading Acts IV and V. We will complete your study guide together in class and finish the discussion of the play after the quiz. Bring any questions you have about the events in Acts IV and V.

Watch the balcony scene from Act III where Cyrano aids Christian in his pursuing Roxanne.

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 01/13/2020

Assignments due for the week of January 13th, 2020


Great review today of the subject matter on the ACT test and the instruction sheet for test day. You will receive an email in the next two weeks with specific information about signing up for the tests that apply to you. For future reference, here is a video to help you improve your score on the SAT essay section.

Explorations in British Literature

Complete the excerpts and questions from John Milton’s Paradise Lost on pages 80-85 in your notebook. Read his short poem on his blindness and answer the questions on page 86. Read Samuel Pepys’s diary of the events of the “great fire of London” along with the questions on pages 88 and 89. Read the short satirical poems on pages 91 and 92, completing the short questions on each one. Go over the satire of the Elizabethan Theater on page 93. (Check the Devices of Satire on page 90 to answer question # 3.)

Watch the following brief video to better understand how satire works.

US Government

Great job today on the government trivia game we played on the first day of class. You did know lots more information than you did at the beginning of the semester! It was also a great review for our final exam next week. Make sure you review all your past tests and quizzes as well as the matching page on each lesson in your government workbook. I gave you the terms you need to know on Lessons 18-24 since we did not have quizzes on those lessons. We will do another game review before our final exam.

Watch this video which defines the branches of the military and gives their individual songs.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete the sketch on page 6 in your study guide for Cyrano de Bergerac to familiarize yourself with the theater scene you will be reading in the play. Read Acts I—III and be ready to discuss them in class next week.

Watch the following scene from Act I to visualize the time period and dress of the day.

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 01/06/2020

Merry Christmas and Tree

Assignments due for the week of January 6, 2020

No assignments due!! If you have any extra time over your break, here is a full-length version of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens to watch as you celebrate. This one publication by Dickens changed the way Christmas was celebrated in many countries and added some of our cherished traditions!

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 12/16/2019


Assignments due for the week of December 16th, 2019


You have now completed the last of the ACT sections!! We will continue with our plan for improving your writing skills in our next class. Your assignment for next week is to turn in to me a written sheet of at least 10 vocabulary words (and definitions) that you can incorporate into any writing assignment you might do. You should have been able to finish them in class today. Just don’t forget to have them ready next week.

Explorations in British Literature

Watch the following video summary of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We will discuss the play further and have a quiz on the main points.

Complete any pages in your notebooks you had not done from this week’s assignment. (See Previous Assignments below.) Then complete the following pages: pages 71-72 (Cavalier poets and questions), pages 75-77 (John Donne’s writings and questions), and page 78 (excerpt from Pilgrim’s Progress and questions).

We will also discuss how Christmas was celebrated in the Elizabethan Age. (A bit different from us!)

U.S. Government

Great competitive game review for our test today!! Based on your good responses in the game, I have high expectations for the test grades! We will cover state and city government next week as well as go over the section on the post office together in class. You were given the crossword answers for pages 81 and 85 (U.S. Army and U.S. Navy) Using those terms, complete pages 82-84 and pages 86-88 for our next class.

Watch (and listen) to the original U.S. Army marching song. (A caisson was a wheeled cart used by the army to carry ammunition and supplies.)

Watch the following video to experience the words and music of the U.S. Navy’s marching song.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Be prepared to take the final test on Silas Marner at the beginning of our next class. (Great job on today’s review!!)

Read about the lives of Charles Dickens and George Eliot on page 1 in both study guides. (A Tale of Two Cities and Silas Marner) We will have a short quiz on their backgrounds.

Do pages 66-68 (Genre) in your Literary Terms notebook.

In our last class before Christmas, we will also “experience” some of the traditions of a Victorian Christmas and learn why so many of our present traditions originated there. We will also see how A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens influenced how we celebrate Christmas today.

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 12/09/2019


Assignments due for the week of December 9th, 2019


We practiced each section type of the Science test today and reviewed some basic science principles with review cards. For more practice before you take the test, watch this video from a sample ACT Science test.

Explorations in British Literature

Great job acting some of the scenes from Twelfth Night and finishing the study guide and details of the Globe Theater and Shakespeare’s life! We will have our final test on the play next week after we do a review game. In your British literature notebook, compete pages 61-63. Read the excerpt from Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and answer the questions. Read the sonnet on pages 65 and 66 and answer the questions after each quatrain. Learn how to read an essay on page 67 and then read Sir Francis Bacon’s essay on studying various subjects and answer the questions on page 69. Read the short poem on page 70 and answer the two questions. (A conceit is a long metaphor that introduces an unusual or witty image.)

U.S. Government

We reviewed the Supreme Court, Law, and Trial today in preparation for our test next week. The test will also cover Immigration and Citizenship. Good pages to review would be pages 60, 64, 68, 52, and 56. We will do a review game before the test. Also, complete pages 70-72 and 74-76. Below are the crossword puzzle answers on pages 69 and 73.

ACROSS                 DOWN
1. political            2. legislature
6. auditor             3. superintendent
8. attorney           4. four
9. constitution     5. secretary
12. governor        7. Rhode Island
13. appeals          10. Nebraska
14. ad interim     11. property

ACROSS                   DOWN
1. municipality      2. charter
5. home rule          3. tax base
8. machines           4. nonpartisan
9. Sumter               6. mayor-council
10. strong              7. Cleveland
12. commission    11. weak
13. patronage
14. grants

We will discuss the state and city governments next week and discuss your opinions on immigration. 🙂

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete the Chronolog you were given in class to review the characters and events in Silas Marner for our final test. We will also have a review game before the test. Complete the following pages in your Literary Terms notebook: Characters & Characterization (pages 52-53), Conflict (pages 54-56), Dialogue (pages 60-61), and Flashback (pages 62-63).

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 12/02/2019

Assignments due for the week of December 2nd, 2019


You finished the longest of the four ACT sections today!! We will practice some ACT Science sections next week and take the ACT Science test the following Monday. (December 9)

Watch this video for a few basic tips for approaching the ACT Science practice test.

Explorations in British Literature

Great job analyzing the resolutions of plot and characters from Twelfth Night!! We will finish the study guide next week in class and act out a few of the funny scenes. 🙂 We will also review the entire play in preparation for the test and do a review game if time permits. In your British literature notebook, complete pages 51-54, which includes an excerpt and a few questions. This will be really easy since you are familiar with the entire play. Also, do pages 59 and 60 about Shakespeare’s life and the Globe Theater.

The following video will give you the basic details of Shakespeare’s life that you will need to know.

U.S. Government

We will continue to finish our sections on Law and Trial and review the basics of the Supreme Court. Complete pages 50-52 and pages 54-56 on Immigration and Citizenship. Here are the crossword answers for page 53 since we did not go over these in class.

1 – jus sanguinis     1 – jus soli
4 – dual                     2 – alien
6 – noncitizen .       3 – apartheid
8 – citizenship        4 – diplomatic
10 – naturalization 5 – civil
12 – expatriate        7 – nationality
                                  9 – stateless
                                 11 – refugee

Watch this video for a simple explanation of court cases.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete your reading of Silas Marner by reading from Chapter 13 through the end of the book. The pace picks up significantly from this point forward. Silas makes another appearance in the community for help; this time it is to the wealthy of Raveloe. Major characters are further defined, and new ones enter the “cast”. Many surprises and twists will occur! 🙂

Previous Assignments:

Assignments for 11/25/2019

Assignments due for the week of November 25th, 2019


Look over the math sheet you were given in class and see if you know how to do the listed math procedures. If you are unsure about any, check with your math teacher or anyone you think could explain them to you. (or check a math book) Watch the following brief video to help you use the answer choices given to help you solve the problems in preparation for next week’s ACT Math timed test.

Explorations in British Literature

Finish Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night by reading Acts IV & V. Complete pages 15 and 17 in your study guide. We will see the resolution for all of the characters and finish the study guide together in class.

Watch this brief comic scene with Malvolio performed on the Globe Theater stage in London.

U.S. Government

Great job reviewing all the material on today’s test!! Great competition and great responses!! We will now cover the last branch of the U.S. government—the Judicial branch. Using the terms given to you in the crossword puzzle pages, complete pages 58-60, 62-64, and pages 66-68. We will go through the history of the Supreme Court as well as cover terms used in law and trials.

Watch this video to review the process of selecting Supreme Court justices:

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue your reading in Silas Marner with Chapters 8-12. Be familiar with what happened by reviewing study guide questions 46-86. Great job today with all the details of the story thus far!! Check last week’s assignment page to make sure you have completed all of the assigned pages of literary terms.

Previous Assignments: