Assignments for 01/10/2022

Assignments due for the week of January 10th, 2022

Winter cottage


We went over the ACT Writing section today and also how to prepare for the actual day of testing. Parents and students will get an email in the next two weeks of how to sign up in your local school district to take the PSAT or SAT free in April. Please let me know if you have any questions about your scores on the two tests and what percentile that would put you in. By the end of the semester, you should turn in a writing plan for any essay assignment. It should include three things:

  1. 10 Vocabulary words that you could use in a variety of situations. List the word and the definition. Choose words that could be used commonly in a variety of situations.
  2. List two personal experiences that you could be prepared to write about and a lesson you may have learned.
  3. List two references to a person or event in history or literature that you could use in a number of different ways.

If you need help coming up with good vocabulary words, I will have the SAT cards available next week in class. These simple tips will help your essay to “stand out” to graders who evaluate it.

Explorations in British Literature

We discussed today how and why Shakespeare ended up writing sonnets and what the rhyme scheme for his sonnets was. We also covered the reading in your notebooks on sonnets by English authors and how poetry also took the shape of the subject about which the “bard” was writing. Review for a quiz on the Elizabethan Age. Review the terms listed in your Twelfth Night study guide or just review that section on the test itself. We will also review all of this one more time in class next week. We also discussed the shift to the 17th century, a time of political insecurity, religious controversy, and intellectual agitation. The Cavalier poets and their “Seize the Day” philosophy became prevalent even as the Puritans took over rule of the country. We found that Francis Bacon, the father of the English essay, introduced prose to his country. We discussed essays and John Donne’s metaphysical writings. For next week, read the excerpt from Pilgrim’s Progress and answer the questions on p.78. Read the excerpts from Milton’s Paradise Lost and answer the questions on pages 80-85. Then, continue with Milton’s poem on his blindness and answer the questions on page 86. Finally, read the description from Samuel Pepys’s diary on the great fire of London and answer the questions about it on pages 88 and 89. We will talk more about the history of the fire next week.

U.S. Government

Complete the final pages of your notebook by finishing the branches of the U.S. military. We will go over each of them in class next week and discuss the important terms to study for the exam. Complete pages 82-84, 86-88, 90-92, and 94-96. We will also begin our review for the final exam. Watch the following video on the four branches of the U.S. military. (Be prepared for questions next week.)

Quick Looks at Great Books

We began reviewing our literary terms in the notebooks and began the new study guide you were given. For next week, read Acts I-III in Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand. We will discuss the events and have a quiz in class next week. Also, complete page 6 in your new study guide. (Directions on page 5.) This will give you an idea of what the theater setting looked like in Act I of the play. We will continue to work on the study guide together in class. Watch Cyrano’s famous “Nose Speech” from Act I.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 12/13/2021

Assignments due for the week of December 13th, 2021

Merry Christmas and Tree


Great job today as we took the ACT Reading test and practiced the three kinds of tests on the ACT Science test. Next week, we will try one more practice test on Charts and Graphs and then take the last test on the ACT–Science. We will then practice more vocabulary to pick up a few new words.

Explorations in British Literature

Great review of Twelfth Night! I think you all did well on your test today! For our last week before Christmas break, read page 67 in your notebooks about “How to Read an Essay.”

Read Sir Francis Bacon’s essay on “Studies” and answer the questions on page 69. On page 70, read Herbert’s poem and note how the shape of the poem is related to its meaning. Read the Cavalier poems on pages 71 and 72, and answer the three questions about them. Lastly, read John Donne’s metaphysical writing and answer the questions on pages 75-77.

Watch the following analysis of A Christmas Carol on this video:

Note the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement that we learned about in Twelfth Night.

We will also go over Macbeth and its storyline and discuss how the Elizabethans celebrated Christmas.

U.S. Government

Great review of Lessons 13-17! I have great hopes for the grades on this test! Next week, we will finish the last page of the lesson on State Government. You were given the crossword answers for the next two lessons. Complete pages 74-76 (City Government) and pages 78-80 (Post Office).

Watch this brief video about our postal system:

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete the Chronolog you were given to review (in chronological order) the events and characters in Silas Marner. We will do a quick review and take the final test. We will also experience a Victorian Christmas with some of the traditions that England created for us.

Watch this brief video on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens:

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 12/06/2021

Assignments due for the week of December 6th, 2021

Christmas downtown


Great review today as we did some practice tests for the ACT Reading section. We also worked on some new vocabulary words that would be helpful on the Reading sections of all standardized tests. Hopefully, you learned some new words today!! Next week, we will take our ACT Reading test and then begin practice work on the ACT Science practice tests.

Explorations in British Literature

We will have a game review next week on the entire play (Twelfth Night) and then take the final test. Today we watched the last two acts to see how it played out watching it instead of reading it. In your literature notebook, read and complete the questions on pages 51-54. (excerpt from Twelfth Night) Complete page 56 for the play we just read, Twelfth Night. Read and answer the questions on pages 65 and 66. (Sir Thomas Wyatt’s translations of Petarch’s sonnets) We will compare them to Shakespeare’s sonnets.

Read the following summary of Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth. We will discuss the story and then have a quiz on the play.

Watch the following 60 second recap of Macbeth.

U.S. Government

We discussed the “quizzes” you took last week and all the policies they represented. We discussed the video on how to amend the Constitution from the website last week. We also went over Lessons 16 and 17 (The Law and Trial) Next week, we will do a game review and then take the test on Immigration, Citizenship, The Supreme Court, The Law, and Trial. Review these lessons in your notebook.

Also for next week, complete pages 70-72 in your notebooks. (State Government) Below are the answers for page 69 (Crossword page) as you begin this lesson.

Across                 Down
1. Political           2. Legislature
6. Auditor           3. Superintendent
8. Attorney         4. Four
9. Constitution  5. Secretary
12. Governor      7. Rhode Island
13. Appeals        10. Nebraska
14. Ad Interim   11. Property

Watch this brief video on Citizenship:

Quick Looks at Great Books

For next week, complete Silas Marner by George Eliot and answer questions 87-164 in your study guides. We will finish going over the entire book and see if the ending was a surprise for you!! We will finish the final quiz and begin to review for the test on the book. Sixteen years have passed as Part II begins and as all situations are resolved. If you have any questions at all about the events, bring them to class next week.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 11/29/2021

Assignments due for the week of November 29th, 2021

Christmas downtown


Great job on the ACT Math test today! The consensus was that you seemed to like this math test better! 🙂 No homework this week. Next week, we will begin preparing for the ACT Reading test and working on vocabulary that will be helpful in all of your college or advanced course reading.

Explorations in British Literature

Finish any reading you have missed in Twelfth Night and also all the pages you should have finished in your study guide. We will cover the pages, watch the remaining two acts, take the final quiz, and begin our review of the whole play in preparation for the final test.

Watch the following closing of Twelfth Night at the Globe Theater. The “curtain call” always tries to engage the participation of the audience!

U.S. Government

Make sure you have completed pages 62-64 (The Law) and pages 66-68 (Trial) in your notebooks. We will begin our review for the test next week and go over the “quizzes” you took this week. Don’t forget to follow the news that relates to the subjects we are covering now.

Watch the following video on how and why our Constitution is hard to amend.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Read Chapters 8-12 in Silas Marner by George Eliot. (If you have any extra time this week, continue reading through Chapter 15. You will have less reading for the last assignment!) Go over questions 46-86 in your study guides as we will go over these next week. Don’t forget to have your Literary Terms notebook in class with you.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 11/22/2021

Assignments due for the week of November 22nd, 2021



Great practice on grammar points today as we prepared for the ACT English test! We took a quiz and went over the correct answers so that you could benefit from reviewing the twelve classic errors on the ACT. Those twelve errors will ALWAYS be found on every test. To make up for the week we missed, use your ACT answer sheet and take the timed 45 minute English test at home this week. Bring me back the answer sheet next week. We will then take the 60 minute Math test in class, and I will have both scores back to you the next week. Study page 47 in your notebook to make sure you know how to do the ten algebra and coordinate geometry questions that will be found on the ACT test.

Explorations in British Literature

Finish your reading of Twelfth Night by completing Acts IV and V. Answer the questions on pages 17 and 18 in your study guides. Next week, we will finish our two remaining reports on the Elizabethan Age and watch the remaining scenes on our video. We will also catch up on your quizzes on this play.

Watch this clip from Twelfth Night filmed in the Globe Theater in London. This is reminiscent of Shakespeare’s use of all male actors.

U.S. Government

Next week we will take a sample citizenship test and discuss the Supreme Court and its duties and familiarize ourselves with its members. Complete pages 58-60 on the Supreme Court in your notebooks. Make sure you have pages 62-64 (Law) and 66-68 (Trial) done by the following week. We will have a game review and and test on these lessons.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great final review of A Tale of Two Cities for the final test. For next week, begin our new book, Silas Marner by George Eliot. Read Chapters 1-7 and answer the study guide questions 1-45. We will clarify the setting and characters as we begin our discussion.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 11/15/2021

Assignments due for the week of November 15th, 2021



Review the layout of the ACT test on page 37 in your notebook. Then complete the practice drill on pages 39 and 40. We would have done this in class, but do it for homework, and we will go over it in our next class as well as doing some more practices for the ACT grammar section. This “advanced grammar” practice will be helpful to you in all of your classes! Continue to study page 41 on the twelve classic errors on the ACT. We will have a quiz to specifically review these basic errors after we have done the practice drills in class. Also, review the handout on Indefinite Pronoun Rules to clarify some troublesome rules about subject/verb agreement. Let me know if you have any questions.

Explorations in British Literature

We will finish the two remaining reports that we have on the Elizabethan Age and begin our discussion of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Hopefully, you picked up your study guide today in the center lobby at KAT. If you were sick as well, just continue the assigned reading and catch up with the study guide next week. Read Act III of the play for next Monday. We will watch the video recorded in London of these scenes. Act III is one you just HAVE to see performed and not just see on the written page!! 🙂

Make sure you have reviewed the characters on pages 2 and 3 of your study guides. We will go over the questions on pages 3 and 6-8 in class. We will not have any of the quizzes until we have gone over the work in your study guides. Also, complete the questions, as best you can, on pages 10-12 and pages 14 and 15. Let me know if you have any questions at all.

Watch the following scene from a performance of Twelfth Night recorded in the Globe Theater in London. Enjoy!

U.S. Government

We will still play our review game next week to review the material on the test on the lessons on voting, the two political parties, and the President and Vice President. For next week, complete the next lesson in your notebook on Citizenship, pages 54-56. The answers to the crossword on page 53 are given below.

Across                      Down
1. Jus sanguinis      1. Jus soli
4. Dual                     2. Alien
6. Noncitizen          3. Apartheid
8. Citizenship         4. Diplomatic
10. Naturalization  5. Civil
12. Expatriate          7. Nationality
9. Stateless
11. Refugee

Complete Lesson 14 on Citizenship and study for next week’s test, which we will take after our review game.

Quick Looks at Great Books

We will still do our two review games before we take the test and go over your Chronolog to review the events of the book in chronological order, as well as examine the family tree you were given regarding all the major characters. Next week, I will give you a study guide for Silas Marner by George Eliot, and you will have your first reading assignment. For next week, continue working in your Literary Terms notebook and be sure to bring it to class with you. I will check that you have done the pages, and we will go over it together.

For next week, complete the following terms in your notebooks: Hyperbole (pages 4-5), Onomatopoeia (pages 31-33), Characters and Characterization (pages 52-53), Conflict (pages 54-56), and Flashback (pages 62-63). (You will see Flashback illustrated in your first assignment in Silas Marner.)

Watch the final scene of the book illustrated here.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 11/08/2021

Assignments due for the week of November 8th, 2021



We took the second half of the PSAT Math test today—the one where no calculator is allowed. If you have finished all four sections of the test, you will receive your scaled PSAT score in our next class.

Next week, we will begin studying for the different parts of the ACT test.  I think most of you will really like its format.  As before, we will study and review extensively the most often missed grammar rules and points.  This will be helpful for either test, but also in every class that you take.  Grammar is a key issue for adults in speaking and writing!!  We will talk about the contents of the ACT and practice some sample sections.

Please review page 41 in your notebooks–Twelve Classic Grammar Errors on the ACT.   If you can master these common mistakes, you can raise your score immensely!  Study that sheet.  We will have a quiz on those specific 12 errors.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Explorations in British Literature

We finished our reports of the history and happenings during the Elizabethan Age (Renaissance) in England.  Great job telling us about the key people involved in the areas of religion, poetry, prose, theater, and also what was going on in the rest of the world at this time!!  We will finish the poetry and plays you read for homework next week and note the part they played in this literary period.  We will finish with Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe as we begin our journey through Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. We will answer the questions about them together in class next week. (You will receive a study guide for this play.)  We will have a quiz on your reading, but we will discuss Acts I and II first and answer any questions you may have.

Watch this video to see the Globe Theater “in person” as people gather to watch plays there today.

U.S. Government

We had a brief quiz today on the Electoral College. Review for a test next week over the following lessons: Voting, Electoral College, The Republican Party, The Democratic Party, and the President and Vice President. We will play a game to review these sections before the test.

Review this video from last week about America’s two political parties.

Also, complete Lesson 13 on Immigration (pages 50-52). You were given the answers to the Crossword on page 49.

Quick Looks at Great Books

It was certainly a “Victorian novel” ending to this book!  All the loose ends were tied, and everyone was accounted for in the final chapters.  It was a surprise ending for many, but you may have been wondering how Sydney Carton would accomplish this release!!  If you have not yet finished your reading, please catch up by next week as we will review the events of the entire book before our test. (2 game formats)  Complete the Chronolog you were given at the end of the class period to review all the major events in “chronological” order.  Also, look over the “Family Tree” of the characters to more clearly see how they are related and further aid in understanding the ending and Carton’s “prophecies.”

Also watch the following scenes reenacted from the book.

Miss Pross and Madame Defarge

Carton and Darnay

Since you should be done with your reading now, we will do some work in your Literary Terms notebook (pages I gave you).

We will complete the terms we have been observing throughout A Tale of Two Cities.  Fill out the following pages in your notebook:  Metaphor and Simile (pages 10-12), Personification (pages 16-18), Symbol (pages 19-21), Alliteration (pages 22-24),  Foreshadowing (pages 64-65), and Irony (pages 69-71).  You do not need to do the “Writing Exercises.”  Just read the definition of the term and complete the activities explaining it.  Don’t forget to bring your notebook to class next week.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 11/01/2021

Assignments due for the week of November 1st, 2021



We completed the first and longest of two math tests on the PSAT.  We will do the shorter and final one next week after we review the past test and correct answers.  You can review for the next test by going to the Khan Academy to the SAT test prep, math section and click on the different kinds of problems to try.  This will just give you an idea of the kinds of problems on the test and help you review.

Explorations in British Literature

We completed our test today on the Middle Ages and began our study of the English Renaissance/Elizabethan Age.  We covered some of the reports and will finish next week.  This is  a highly successful era for England, and Elizabeth did a lot to make the country a world power as well as a thriving age for the arts!  (poetry, music, and the theater). Watch the following brief video to summarize some important parts of Queen Elizabeth’s reign.  Henry VIII would have been proud of her since she accomplished more than most of the previous kings in British history!

For next week in your notebook, read pages 45-50 and answer the corresponding questions.  You will see Elizabeth I’s attempts at writing poetry, an example of a struggle of conscience in an excerpt from a drama, and an example of a morality play.  Then skip to pages 59 and 60 on Shakespeare’s stage and fans.  Lastly, read the excerpt from Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus on pages 61 and 62.  Answer the questions on page 63.  (Don’t forget to find a copy of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare by next week.)

U.S. Government

Today we reviewed our Electoral College powerpoint from last week and prepared for a quiz next Monday.

Watch the following video to review for the quiz on the Electoral College:

For next week, complete pages 42-44 and pages 46-48 in your notebooks. You were given the crossword answers for these lessons.

Next week we will review the Senate and House of Representatives, the political parties of America, Voting, and the President and Vice-President. Watch this video to learn more about our two-party system.

Quick Looks at Great Books

It’s hard to believe, but we are ready to finish reading this suspenseful historical novel!  Conclude the book by reading Chapters 10-15 and by completing study questions 72-80.  All “loose ends” are tied up with a perhaps unexpected ending!  We will discuss the conclusion of this work by Dickens.  Make sure to start bringing your Literary Terms notebook to class if you have not already done so.  We will go over the terms that we have discussed in A Tale of Two Cities. We will begin to review for our final test with the first of two game reviews.

Watch this video clip of Charles Darnay’s second trial.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 10/25/2021

Assignments due for the week of October 25th, 2021

Country path in fall


We finished our review of grammar and then took the timed Language and Writing test for the PSAT.  Next week, we will go over the answers, and review our explanation of the PSAT Math test.  We will take time to go over the directions for solving your own problems as well as choosing a multiple choice answer.  Then we will take the first of two math tests.  On this one, students will be able to use a calculator, so don’t forget to bring one of some kind to class with you.

To review and prepare, go to the Khan Academy and to the SAT test prep and the math section. Do four problems in each of the areas on the site:

  1. Heart of algebra
  2. Problem-solving and data analysis
  3. Passport to advanced math
  4. Additional topics in math

There should be explanations as to how to do these problems and how to choose the best answer. Remember that this is a learning experience and just for practice.  After grading it, I will give you the answers, along with how to arrive at that choice.


Explorations in British Literature

We will have a test next class period on the Middle Ages in British literature.  Review those pages I gave you, as well as the pages in your notebook and the subjects we talked about.  Let me know if you have any questions about what to study.

We will also begin our study of the Renaissance and the Elizabethan Age in England.  Prepare the subject you had and tell us about the people or events listed under them in your notebook.  (page 44–The Renaissance Galaxy)  This will be an oral report in which you will inform the rest of the class about your area in the days of the Elizabethan Age.  The first character or event listed is usually the most important, but tell us something about each one that you were assigned.  Let me know if you have any questions.  This will give everyone a good view of the time period we will be studying. Remember: If you have already done a report on a topic in the Middle Ages, you will not have one this time. (Don’t forget to get a copy of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare.)

Watch the following fun video in song to preview this time period and its characters and characteristics.

U.S. Government

We reviewed and had a longer quiz on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  (No quiz next week!) You will be completing three lessons for next week–Voting, The Republican Party, and The Democratic Party.  (Lessons 8, 9, & 10)  For you, that means pages 30-32, 34-36, and 38-40.  I gave you the Crossword answers for page 29.  Here are the answers to the other two lessons.  I will give you more information about these subjects.


ACROSS                                      DOWN
4.    Ripon                                     1.    Fremont
5.    Watergate                             2.    Breeds
6.    Union                                    3.    Moose
7.    Nast                                       8.    Slavery
10.  Grand                                    9.    Bovay
11.  Hoover                                 12.   Elephant
14.  Prosperity                            13.   Lincoln


ACROSS                                     DOWN
1.    Dixiecrats                            1.    Donkey
4.    Copperheads                      2.    Roosevelt  (FDR)
7.    Oldest                                  3.    Republican
8.    Tilden                                   5.    Solid
9.    New Deal                             6.    Money
11.  Jackson                               10.    Wallace
13.  Fair Deal                             12.    Society

We learned more about the Electoral College and also reviewed the three branches of government with two powerpoint presentations. We will continue to go over the voting process as well as review your lessons on the Senate and the House of Representatives. We will cover the three lessons for this week and discuss the origins of our political parties.

Watch the following video for more information and reinforcement on the Electoral College:

Quick Looks at Great Books

We are now getting into the suspense and drama of the book and its story of the French Revolution.  You will see accurate historical events, along with unique stories about the characters of Charles Dickens.  Begin the third and last “book” of this novel (The Track of the Storm) and read Chapters 1-9.  I think you can see why the title for this last book was given.  See if you can identify it for our next discussion with specific examples.  It has now become a nightmare for the main characters of the book!  Answer questions 59-71 in your study guide to make sure you are following the events that occur.  Be looking for allusions in this next section.  Watch this brief video to discover what that is referring to.  We will go over it in our Literary Terms notebook.

Previous Assignments for 2021:

Assignments for 10/18/2021

Assignments due for the week of October 18th, 2021

Country path in fall


We continued our grammar review today with a quiz and worksheets as well as practice tests from the PSAT Writing and Language test.  Students should finish the practice sentences to review some more specific rules of grammar.  We will go over the sentences and rules next week, as well as take the timed grammar test for the PSAT.  We will then move on to review for the Math portions.

Explorations in British Literature

We covered a lot about Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales today and especially learned about each of the travelers on the pilgrimage.  Complete both sides of the sheet I gave you in class to review the characteristics and background of all the “pilgrims.”  One side is matching the description with the character, and the other side is a crossword puzzle reviewing the story and its characters.  For our next class period, read the lyric poems on pages 40-43 and answer the questions for each one.  For “Fair Margaret and Sweet William”, write a paragraph summarizing the “story” at the bottom of page 43.  We will cover these pages and review for our test on the Middle Ages in British literature.  You will need a copy of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night in the next 2-3 weeks.  You can purchase a copy, borrow it, or get it at your local library.

Watch the following video for background information on Chaucer and his famous work.

U.S. Government

We had a great discussion today of all the amendments of the Constitution and what they involved.  I love that this class will participate in our discussions and offer their opinions! We also reviewed Constitution Day and why it is important. (September 17, 1787)  Next week, we will have a quiz on the terms in Lesson 5 and also on the basic content of each of the seven articles of the Constitution.  I gave the class nine amendments that they need to be able to match the number and content for that amendment.  Please let me know if you have any questions at all about what the quiz will cover.  In your Government notebooks, complete pages 22-24 (Senate) and pages 26-28 (House of Representatives).  We will check your answers next week.

To review all the details and duties of the Senate and the House of Representatives, watch this brief video.

Quick Looks at Great Books

We are continuing through and leading up to actually reading about the events that happened during the French Revolution!  We will have finally arrived at the Storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789) in this week’s reading.  For next Monday, read Chapters 20-24.  (Complete Book 2)   This reading is a bit shorter than normal if you need to catch up on your assignments.  Hopefully, we can catch up on our discussions this next week as well.  You already know what happened with the Storming of the Bastille.  Now you will see how it plays out in the lives of the characters you have met.  Answer questions 53-58 in your study guide to check on your comprehension.  Things have moved rather slowly so far, but a lot of years pass in these few short chapters! Let me know if you are having any trouble understanding the events.

Previous Assignments for 2021: