Assignments for 12/16/2019


Assignments due for the week of December 16th, 2019


You have now completed the last of the ACT sections!! We will continue with our plan for improving your writing skills in our next class. Your assignment for next week is to turn in to me a written sheet of at least 10 vocabulary words (and definitions) that you can incorporate into any writing assignment you might do. You should have been able to finish them in class today. Just don’t forget to have them ready next week.

Explorations in British Literature

Watch the following video summary of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We will discuss the play further and have a quiz on the main points.

Complete any pages in your notebooks you had not done from this week’s assignment. (See Previous Assignments below.) Then complete the following pages: pages 71-72 (Cavalier poets and questions), pages 75-77 (John Donne’s writings and questions), and page 78 (excerpt from Pilgrim’s Progress and questions).

We will also discuss how Christmas was celebrated in the Elizabethan Age. (A bit different from us!)

U.S. Government

Great competitive game review for our test today!! Based on your good responses in the game, I have high expectations for the test grades! We will cover state and city government next week as well as go over the section on the post office together in class. You were given the crossword answers for pages 81 and 85 (U.S. Army and U.S. Navy) Using those terms, complete pages 82-84 and pages 86-88 for our next class.

Watch (and listen) to the original U.S. Army marching song. (A caisson was a wheeled cart used by the army to carry ammunition and supplies.)

Watch the following video to experience the words and music of the U.S. Navy’s marching song.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Be prepared to take the final test on Silas Marner at the beginning of our next class. (Great job on today’s review!!)

Read about the lives of Charles Dickens and George Eliot on page 1 in both study guides. (A Tale of Two Cities and Silas Marner) We will have a short quiz on their backgrounds.

Do pages 66-68 (Genre) in your Literary Terms notebook.

In our last class before Christmas, we will also “experience” some of the traditions of a Victorian Christmas and learn why so many of our present traditions originated there. We will also see how A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens influenced how we celebrate Christmas today.

Previous Assignments: