Assignments for 12/02/2019

Assignments due for the week of December 2nd, 2019


You finished the longest of the four ACT sections today!! We will practice some ACT Science sections next week and take the ACT Science test the following Monday. (December 9)

Watch this video for a few basic tips for approaching the ACT Science practice test.

Explorations in British Literature

Great job analyzing the resolutions of plot and characters from Twelfth Night!! We will finish the study guide next week in class and act out a few of the funny scenes. 🙂 We will also review the entire play in preparation for the test and do a review game if time permits. In your British literature notebook, complete pages 51-54, which includes an excerpt and a few questions. This will be really easy since you are familiar with the entire play. Also, do pages 59 and 60 about Shakespeare’s life and the Globe Theater.

The following video will give you the basic details of Shakespeare’s life that you will need to know.

U.S. Government

We will continue to finish our sections on Law and Trial and review the basics of the Supreme Court. Complete pages 50-52 and pages 54-56 on Immigration and Citizenship. Here are the crossword answers for page 53 since we did not go over these in class.

1 – jus sanguinis     1 – jus soli
4 – dual                     2 – alien
6 – noncitizen .       3 – apartheid
8 – citizenship        4 – diplomatic
10 – naturalization 5 – civil
12 – expatriate        7 – nationality
                                  9 – stateless
                                 11 – refugee

Watch this video for a simple explanation of court cases.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete your reading of Silas Marner by reading from Chapter 13 through the end of the book. The pace picks up significantly from this point forward. Silas makes another appearance in the community for help; this time it is to the wealthy of Raveloe. Major characters are further defined, and new ones enter the “cast”. Many surprises and twists will occur! 🙂

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