Assignments for 11/25/2019

Assignments due for the week of November 25th, 2019


Look over the math sheet you were given in class and see if you know how to do the listed math procedures. If you are unsure about any, check with your math teacher or anyone you think could explain them to you. (or check a math book) Watch the following brief video to help you use the answer choices given to help you solve the problems in preparation for next week’s ACT Math timed test.

Explorations in British Literature

Finish Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night by reading Acts IV & V. Complete pages 15 and 17 in your study guide. We will see the resolution for all of the characters and finish the study guide together in class.

Watch this brief comic scene with Malvolio performed on the Globe Theater stage in London.

U.S. Government

Great job reviewing all the material on today’s test!! Great competition and great responses!! We will now cover the last branch of the U.S. government—the Judicial branch. Using the terms given to you in the crossword puzzle pages, complete pages 58-60, 62-64, and pages 66-68. We will go through the history of the Supreme Court as well as cover terms used in law and trials.

Watch this video to review the process of selecting Supreme Court justices:

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue your reading in Silas Marner with Chapters 8-12. Be familiar with what happened by reviewing study guide questions 46-86. Great job today with all the details of the story thus far!! Check last week’s assignment page to make sure you have completed all of the assigned pages of literary terms.

Previous Assignments: