Assignments for 11/11/2019

Assignments due for the week of November 11th, 2019


Be prepared to take a quiz on the Twelve Classic Errors on the ACT (pages 40 and 41) in our next class. Also, we will finally take the ACT practice test for English. We have been reviewing for this for the past two weeks.

Explorations in British Literature

Read Acts I and II in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and be prepared for a quiz on the basic events. We will take time for any questions before the quiz. Be sure to bring to class the study guide you were given today. Watch the following video to see the development of drama in England:

Watch this video for a tour of the Globe Theater today, which was built exactly as the original one was.

U.S. Government

After recording the answers to the crosswords on pages 41 and 45, complete pages 42-44 and pages 46-49 on the qualifications, duties, and procedures for becoming President and Vice-President.

Watch the following video to review the qualifications and process of becoming a U.S. President.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Watch the following final scene from the novel:

Complete the Chronolog you were given to review for our test. Also complete the following pages in your Literary Terms notebook: Hyperbole (pages 4 & 5), Metaphor & Simile (pages 10-12), Foreshadowing (pages 64 & 65), and Irony (pages 69-71). I will check these in class next week. Great job today in our game review and great job of mastering the major characters and events! Let me know if you have any questions at all. You will need a copy of Silas Marner by next class period.

Previous Assignments: