Assignments for 10/26/2020

Assignments due for the week of October 26th, 2020

Happy autumn season!


You’ve now finished half of the PSAT test!! Next week, you will get a scaled score for the “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” part of the exam. On next Monday, we will take the first half of the Math section — the one where you can use a calculator. DON’T FORGET TO BRING IT TO CLASS NEXT WEEK!

Also, to practice for the math test visit Khan Academy and do practice questions in each of the following four areas: Heart of Algebra, Problem-solving and data analysis, Passport to advanced math, and Additional topics in math. This website has very helpful information and practice to prepare for the math section of this test. Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue your reading in A Tale of Two Cities by reading Book III—Chapters 1-10. Answer questions 59-72. A new term, onomatopoeia, was used in Dickens’s description of the storming of the Bastille. (Onomatopoeia is a word whose sound suggests its meaning. Ex: plop, buzz, snap) Watch the following brief explanation of onomatopoeia:

Watch the following clip of the Storming of the Bastille:

Notice the leadership of the Defarges and the red caps of the Revolutionaries. Did you recognize “The Vengeance”?

U.S. Government

We covered the articles of the Constitution today and went over each of the first ten amendments that make up our Bill of Rights. Watch the following short review of these amendments.

Next week, we will have a quiz on the terms in Lessons 3 and 4 in your notebook. You do NOT have to know the contents of the amendments at this time. There will also be some fill-in-the-blank questions about the basic parts of our government and their functions. (You can study these from Quiz #1 that we have already taken.) Also, know what the current number of Supreme Court Justices for the U.S. would be if all seats were filled.

In preparation for the upcoming election, complete Lesson 8 in your notebook on Voting. (Pages 29-32) I will give you the answers for the crossword on p. 29.


ACROSS                  DOWN
1. Direct                   2. Indirect
3. Referendum       3. Recall
5. Democratic        4. Machine
9. Women               6. Amendment
11. Registration      7. Primary
12. Absentee           8. Precinct
13. Ballot                 10. Electorate

Adventures in American Literature

We reviewed the first unit of American literature today. Next week, we will have Quiz #2 which covers from Patrick Henry to the writings of Crevecoueur. It will also cover the literary terms from your list that we went over in class. (Imagery, Simile, Metaphor, Allusion, Personification, Alliteration, Symbol, and Aphorism) You should know if you need to retake Quiz #1. We also reviewed the unit with the acrostic on pages 44 and 45.

Next week, we will hear the reports and results from the groups on their questions on page 43. After the quiz, we will continue our study of tall tales in America along with the legendary folk heroes and folk legends presented in your reports. If you have any questions about what character you were assigned, email me. The report should be approximately 3-5 minutes in length and will be presented orally to the class. You do not need to turn in a written version. Tell us if the character is a real person or a created one. Also, tell us a famous story about this person and his or her feats. Let me know if you have any questions.

Previous Assignments: