Assignments for 10/19/2020

Assignments due for the week of October 19th, 2020

Happy autumn season!


Great job as we finished reviewing grammar for the PSAT test! Next week we will take the 35 minute Writing and Language test and prepare for the Math test for the following week.

Quick Looks at Great Books

For next week, read Chapters 20-24 in Book 2 of A Tale of Two Cities and answer questions 53-58 in your study guide. Watch for the distinct metaphors as we finally arrive at the historic “storming of the Bastille”.

Watch the following two videos to understand some of the literary terms you will be encountering.

U.S. Government

GREAT observations about last week’s Vice Presidential debate! I always get excited when I see everyone totally engaged in what is going on politically! Keep up on the current news developments even though there will be no Presidential debate this week as was planned. There will be news about the campaigns and the Supreme Court Justice hearings.

In your notebook, complete the pages in Lessons 6 and 7. (pages 22-24 and pages 26-28) on the Senate and the House of Representatives. The answers to the crossword sections of each lesson are listed below. (pages 21 and 25)


ACROSS                                   DOWN
1. Special                                  2. Cloture
3. Two                                       4. Hundred
6. Immunity                            5. Upper
9. President Pro Tempore    7. Override
10. Vice President                  8. Policy
12. Caucus                               11. Standing
14. Filibuster                          13. Six


ACROSS               DOWN
1. California         2. Impeach
5. Conference      3. Table
8. Lower               4. Rules
10. Caucus           6. Census
12. Speaker          7. Population
14. Two                 9. Majority
11. Twenty

Watch the following video to solidify your understanding of the two houses of Congress.

Adventures in American Literature

Choose one of Ben Franklin’s aphorisms (from page 36 or Google your own list) and either illustrate it with a drawing or illustrate it with words. Write a paragraph explaining what the aphorism means and how it practically applies to our daily living. If you like to draw, you can illustrate it with a picture. Do this on a separate sheet of paper so that you can turn it in to me when you come to class.

As we begin to study America’s legendary heroes read and answer questions on pages 48-51. You will become familiar with Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, Mike Fink, and Davy Crockett.

Watch the following brief video about America’s tall tales:

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