Assignments for 10/14/2024

Country path in fall

Assignments for October 14th, 2024

Quick Looks at Great Books

We continued the discussion of our book with Book 2 Chapters 1-9. It is now 1780 — five years later than when the book began. We met some new characters and reconnected with others five years later. We will finish our discussion of the last two chapters and then take Quiz #2. For next week, read Chapters 10-19 and answer the study guide questions 32-52. We will continue to discuss the chapters and continue to watch sections of the DVD. Quiz #3 is our next check on your reading.

American History

We reviewed for air test today by going over all the designated items in the three Chapter Reviews. Then we took our test on the first three chapters of our history text. The students were given what they needed to know from each chapter. Then we went over Chapters 4 and 5, focusing on the terms they needed to know. We will have a ten-question multiple choice quiz on Chapter 4. When we went over those things to know, we mentioned any important events they may need to know from Chapter 5. Also, for next week, read the last of the next three chapters — Chapter 6. We will go through that chapter and begin to prepare for our test. (Chapters 4-6)

Watch the following video of an important battle in the American Revolution — The Battle of Trenton.

U.S. Government

We briefly reviewed the material for Quiz #2 and then took the quiz. I forgot to have them put on their test, whether or not they watched last week’s Vice-Presidential debate. I was pleasantly surprised that nearly the entire class had seen it, and I hadn’t even reminded them of it! We discussed what they learned from the debate and some of its highlights. We began the lesson of Voting and will finish it next week. They did fill out a sheet that I will give them back next week to determine their views on a variety of subjects. We will also cover next week the Electoral College and how it works. They really need to know this as they will see it in action in a very few weeks. We talked about the seven swing states that will decide this election. They are extremely informed, and that is a credit to you, their parents! Look for next week’s video on the Electoral College and swing states as well. This will build upon our PowerPoint presentation in class. Next week, complete Lessons 9 and 10 on the Political Parties of the United States. See the crossword answers for Lesson 9 “The Republic Party” and Lesson 10 “The Democrat Party” are here.

We will also have Quiz #3 next week. It will cover the ten amendments they were given to learn (matching), the seven articles of the Constitution (matching), and a number of other key facts that we have continually covered.

Watch this video about how the Bill of Rights was added to our Constitution.


We reviewed last week’s quiz on irregular verbs and answered any questions they had. We then completed a page practicing troublesome verb usages. We went over the Practice Tests in their notebooks so that they would know exactly what to expect on the test. We took a quick quiz on the verbs again, and they showed much improvement! Then we took the second test on the English half of the PSAT test. (35 minutes) Next week they will receive the test back as well as a scaled score (200-800) for that half of the test. They also will receive a list of correct answers and explanations to file for future study for that test. Then we will go over the expectations for the Math test and how to grid in your own answers before we begin that test. You have no homework due next week, unless you want to review some of your math formulas.

Adventures in American Literature

We reviewed all of Ben Franklin’s inventions and even talked about the “orderly” 13 virtues of this man as well. We then watched 2 scenes from the musical 1776 and how it portrayed our founding fathers. We took the first quiz, which was entirely matching. The students will receive these back next Monday. We then went over Phillis Wheatley (the first female black poet) and the essay by J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, “What Is an American?” We will review with the Acrostic next week.

For next week, read pages 47-51 and answer those questions that follow each section. Also, be prepared to present orally to the entire class the report on the “tall tale” hero or heroine that you were assigned in class. (If you cannot remember that character, email me.)

Watch this brief video song about one of the assigned characters.

Previous Assignments for School Year 2024 – 2025: