Assignments for 10/07/2019

Happy autumn season!

Assignments due for the week of October 7th, 2019


We will take the PSAT Writing and Language test in class next week. Do the last practice section on pages 34 and 35 in your notebook. We will go over all the correct answers before you take the next test in class. Also study the principal parts of irregular verbs on the sheet you were given. We will have a quiz reviewing those commonly missed verbs and go over the correct answers as well.

Explorations in British Literature

In your notebook, read “A Parody of Knighthood” on pages 20-22. Underline or mark in some way the examples of how T.H. White gently parodies the conventions and assumptions of chivalry. Read the two different accounts of King Arthur’s death written one hundred years apart—”The Passing of King Arthur” from Morte D’Arthur (pages 25–27) and an excerpt from The Once and Future King (pages 28-29). Answer the four questions comparing the two accounts. Read Chaucer’s description of “A More Than Courteous Knight” on page 31 and make a list of the inner qualities and the outer appearance of a knight on the bottom half of the page.

Watch the following video song describing the idyllic area where King Arthur lived:

Watch the following parody of the song:

U.S. Government

We completed the “crossword puzzle” on page 29 with the new terms and definitions regarding voting. Complete pages 30-32 for next week. Also, be prepared for a matching quiz on the terms on pages 11 and 15. (Terms will come from the boxes on those two pages.)

Watch the following video about the Constitution:

Quick Looks at Great Books

We will take our quiz on this past week’s reading at the beginning of the next class period. Read Book 2, Chapters 10-19 and answer the corresponding questions on pages 44-46. You gain even more information about the characters you have already met and also see previous characters reappear!! In a terribly serious story, Dickens manages to insert a bit of humor as well!

Previous Assignments: