Assignments for 10/05/2020

Assignments due for the week of October 5th, 2020

Happy autumn season!


Great job taking the timed PSAT Reading Test today in class. It will be great practice in pacing yourself. Next week, we will start preparing for the grammar section by reviewing a number of basic rules. Be sure to have your notebook with you in class.

Quick Looks at Great Books

You finished Book 1 of the novel!! For next week, read Chapters 1-9 in Book 2—“The Golden Thread” and answer questions 15-31 in your study guide. We will take the quiz on Book 1 and discuss this week’s reading before the next quiz. We will also watch clips from BBC’s A Tale of Two Cities to illustrate what you have read.

U.S. Government

Exciting times with upcoming Presidential Debate #1, Tuesday, September 29 at 9:00 P.M. You can watch live on TV, Youtube, or the Internet. (Or you can watch it replayed before next Monday.) Fill out the Debate Analysis Sheet you were given in class and bring it to class to turn in to me. Remember, there are no correct answers. You can give your opinion. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and responses after the debate!

Also, complete Lessons 3 and 4 in your notebook. (pages 9-16) You were given the answers to page 9 in class today. Here are the answers to page 13.

1. Liquor        2. Income
4. Black          3. Women
5. Congress   4. Bails
9. Criminal   5. Civil
11. Religion   6. Eighteen
12. Soldiers   7. Trial
                        8. Warrants
                        10. Arms

Watch this video on The Preamble to the Constitution:

Adventures in American Literature

We’re going through the early historical writings of our country. We’re now up to the American Revolution. Abigail Adams had nearly 2,000 letters recorded that were written to her husband while he was away in Philadelphia. This is a great record of some of the things that were going on at the time. For homework, read the letters on pages 21-24 and answer the questions as you go along. I’m sure you’ve heard of Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine. Read the excerpts from some of their famous writings on pages 25 and 26 and then answer the corresponding questions. Lastly, read the two Revolutionary songs on pages 27-30 and answer the questions about them. Watch these video recordings of them so that you can actually hear how they were sung. Remember that “Yankee Doodle” had lots of verses, so some may be different than those in your notebook. The questions will help you see the symbolism in “Revolutionary Tea”.

Previous Assignments: