Assignments for 09/30/2024

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Assignments for September 30th, 2024

Quick Looks at Great Books

We reviewed the French Revolution and the pages they read in their study guides. Then we took the Introduction Quiz over those things included in the novel as well. We went over the background material for A Tale of Two Cities.

For next week, begin the novel by reading Book 1—Recalled to Life. (Chapters 1-6) Then answer the questions in your study guide on pages 40 and 41. (Questions 1-14) We will discuss all that you have read before we take the quiz.

Watch the following recap of The French Revolution as you begin the book.

American History

We finished going through Chapter 2 and went over the Chapter Review on pages 36 and 37. I had the students circle the names and terms they needed to know for the test on Chapters 1-3. For next Monday, be prepared for a quiz on Chapter 1. (and part of Chapter 2) We started discussing Chapter 3 and will finish next week. We will review for the test on Chapters 1-3 which will be the following week. (October 7) For next week, also read Chapter 4—Preparation for Independence. (a really short chapter In addition to going over the chapter, we will also review for our upcoming test.

We also played games to once again review the states and capitals. I can see a big difference in that they are beginning to learn them. (Those who knew none!)

Watch this brief video of The Great Awakening in American History.

U.S. Government

Many of the students forgot to ask their parents a special question: “Who is the most famous founding father that you never heard of?” They SHOULD be able to tell you the answer to this question.

We reviewed for our quiz, and I gave the students a page for the front of their textbooks. (The Three Branches of Government) We then took the quiz, and I think the students did really well! We went over Lesson 3 on The Constitution and also went over a sheet on the first ten amendments. (Bill of Rights) We will discuss the rest of the 27 amendments next week and also check Lesson 4.

For next Monday, complete three lessons in your textbook—Lessons 5, 6, and 7. Here are the crossword answers:

They will easily be able to finish the lessons with these words. We will talk more about that famous founding father and the Constitutional Convention next week.

Watch the following video about The Making of our Constitution.

Test Prep

We went over the last Practice Reading test in your notebooks (The Great Seal) and took any questions.
We then took our first PSAT Reading Test, putting the answers on an answer sheet. The students were able to keep the Reading Test in their notebooks for later study. I will let them see the graded answer sheets next week.

Next week, we will begin preparing for our second test which is on grammar. Students should review page 38 (Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs) for a quiz. After reviewing the sheet, we will go over all the rules in your notebooks and begin the practice tests. This is one area that I know the students can improve if they will study and review the rules. It may have been some time since they had a grammar class! Study, particularly, the irregular verbs lie/lay, sit/set, and swing. The quiz will involve choosing the correct form of the verb.

Adventures in American Literature

We covered and discussed the poems of Edward Taylor and Anne Bradstreet, Jonathan Edwards’s famous sermon, the letters of Abigail Adams, and the writings and speeches of Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry. They were also given a list of Literary Terms for this year, and we went over the first four since those we could see in today’s reading.

For next week, read and answer the questions about the songs written for the Revolution. (pages 27-30) Read Franklin’s Use of Time on page 31 and answer the questions on page 32. Answer the questions on page 33, and we will talk about your schedule. Read and answer the questions about Poor Richard’s Almanac on pages 34 and 35. Read Franklin’s aphorisms on page 36 and Google even more if you would like. Choose one to illustrate and explain. Give the literal meaning of the “proverb”, the idea expressed, and illustrate it with a picture. You will not be graded on your ability to draw. 🙂 Just do your best or use a computer image. Be ready to turn this in.

Watch this song illustrating the Revolutionary song.

Yankee Doodle

Revolutionary Tea

Previous Assignments for School Year 2024 – 2025: