Assignments for 09/30/2019

Happy autumn season!

Assignments due for the week of September 30th, 2019


We are now ready to move on to preparing for the PSAT Writing and Language test. Read page 23 in your notebook for explanation and format of the next test. Look at the definitions of a sentence, a fragment, and a run-on sentence. Write to the left of the five numbered “sentences” if each is a sentence, a fragment, or a run-on. Review the grammar rules on pages 24-27.

Explorations in British Literature

Prepare for a quiz on the Anglo-Saxon period of British literature. Be able to match the terms and characters in Beowulf, recognize alliteration in poetry, analyze the two Welsh poems in your notebook, and match literary terms and definitions. (Check the Literary Terms sheets you were given and the words we have gone over—alliteration, elegy, epic, kenning, foil, and metaphor.) Be prepared to present orally to the class the topic you were given to research for the middle ages in the United Kingdom.

U.S. Government

In your notebook, complete the following pages: 18-20, 22- 24, and 26-28. We did the “crossword puzzle” pages in class, so you should have some terms to work with. Once again, there will be a lot of repetition. Prepare for our first quiz by knowing the three branches of government and their functions, the number of U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives, and the term length for Senators and Representatives. Watch the following video to review the two parts of Congress:

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great start to your reading and understanding of A Tale of Two Cities! We will take the quiz over Book I at the beginning of class next week and discuss the week’s reading—Book II Chapters 1-9. Answer the corresponding questions in your study guide on pages 42-44. We will not have the quiz on this section until we have discussed it and answered your questions. Enjoy meeting new characters in England!!

Previous Assignments: