Assignments for 05/25/2020

Assignments due for the week of May 25th, 2020


Nice job on your final debate. You have done a great job adapting to the video format. Don’t forget to email me with the evaluation of your team members for this last debate. You will receive my evaluation as well as that of the judges along with your grade for this debate. You will also receive your final grade and transcript via email.

Explorations in British Literature

Your moms will receive your final exam via email. After you have studied your study guide sheets and literary terms pages, take the exam and send it back to me. You will receive your final grade and transcript via email.

No-Spin Economics

After you have finished reviewing your last test and your handouts from the Crash Course Economics videos, you can take your final exam. (That will be sent to the moms.) After you receive your exam grade, I will send you your transcript sheet and your two semester grades and final grade via email.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great job reviewing the entire year’s work!! Review your literary terms and the characters and authors of our six books for this year and take your final exam. I’m excited to see how well you do on this comprehensive test! After you have received your grade for the final exam, I will send you a transcript sheet.

Previous Assignments: