Assignments for 05/06/2019

Assignments due for the week of May 6th, 2019

Practical Public Speaking

Great job on both Informative and Demonstration speeches today. I’m always amazed at the unique variety of subjects you show or tell us about. Such fun!! We will finish our Demonstration speeches next week and any other make-up speeches due to absences. Be thinking about your final speech topic. We talked about the Persuasive speech today. Be prepared to give me your selected subject next week in class.

Adventures in American Literature

Finish your reading of The Giver by Lois Lowry by reading Chapters 13-23 and answering questions 31-48 in your study guide. Look over the Discussion Questions on page 10 as we will talk about these in class. If you did not watch the video from last week on the “Dystopian Novel” please check the Previous Assignments (April 29) and watch the short commentary.

No-Spin Economics

Watch Crash Course Economics videos #10 and #11 and complete the study sheets you were given in class.

In preparation for our review of the book Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?, read Chapter 13 (Summary) and go over the notes for that chapter that you were given in class.

If for some reason, you did not look at the U.S. National Debt clock or watch the video describing the extent of “a trillion”, please go back to the April 29th week of assignments and view those short sites.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Finish your reading of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, by reading Chapters 15-31 and answering questions 35-72 in your study guide. Notice the development of the novel’s central themes: education, prejudice, trust, truth, and femininity. We will take the quizzes on the two sections of the book that you read. (Chapters 1-14 and Chapters 15-31)

Watch the following videos to “put a face” on the main characters:

Previous Assignments: