Assignments for 05/01/2023

Assignments due for the week of May 1st, 2023

crocus flowers

Quick Looks at Great Books

We had an exciting Jeopardy review today! Because the score was so close, and we ran out of time, we will get a final winner next week with the Final Jeopardy clue. We did take the test on the book and are ready to start our final book, which thankfully is the shortest of all! It doesn’t even have any chapters, so we will read the whole book for next week. Students were given a study guide for this book in class today. Read the book and look over the questions in the study guide to make sure you didn’t miss anything! Bring any questions to class, and I will answer them before our quizzes.

As a last resort, you can always listen to the book for free at the following link.

Practical Public Speaking

Great and interesting Informative Speeches today in class! What a variety of interests you all have!! If you have not yet given your speech, be prepared to do so next week. Also, each student should turn in your subject for the next speech (Demonstration) in our next class. You can prepare and give me your outline when you give that speech.

American History

We finished our quizzes today on our States and Capitals and also a brief one on World War II from Chapter 25. We went over the rest of Chapter 25 with anything else you needed to know about World War II. Then we started Chapter 26 and the Cold War and the “Red Scare” in our history. For next week, read Chapters 27 and 28 which further covers our study of the Cold War.

We will hear the following reports on our next set of Presidents in our next class.

  • Warren Harding — Colin
  • Calvin Coolidge — Scott
  • Herbert Hoover — Connor M.
  • Franklin Roosevelt — Connor S.
  • Harry Truman — Devon
  • Dwight Eisenhower — Toby
  • John Kennedy — Niklas
  • Lyndon Johnson — Jacob

We will also hear about Teddy Roosevelt from Chloe since she has been absent.

We will finish the lives of the Presidents on May 8 and have the test on May 15. I will review everything you need to know on May 8.

Since we have several chapters in our text on the Cold War, watch this brief video which explains it in its entirety.

No-Spin Economics

Before today’s quiz, we reviewed Crash Course Economic video #10 and the sheet you were given on The Federal Reserve. Then we covered the worksheet from Crash Course Economics #11 on Money and Finance (and Bartering!) We then took our quiz on Crash Courses #10 and #11 as well as the sheet you were given on the Federal Reserve. For next week, watch Crash Course Economics #12 on the famous 2008 Financial Crisis. (Our last for the year!) Complete the worksheet and also read Chapter 13 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? This chapter is just a summary and review of what the book has covered. Video #12 is at the following link.

Adventures in American Literature

We covered the definition of satire before discussing the excerpt from Sinclair Lewis’s Babbitt (1920’s) and Erma Bombast’s “Convenient Hearing” (1980’s). We compared the two and discussed their satire. We then went over Ernest Hemingway’s short story “In Another Country”. We tried to understand what Hemingway wanted us to get and what the Hemingway “code hero” really is. We went over a few sonnets by poet Edna St.Vincent Millay and mentioned the play “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder.

You were given a study guide for our last book of the year — The Giver. For next week, read the first eleven chapters and go over the study guide questions (1-28) to make sure you understood what was happening. This is a great dystopian novel to discuss together.

Previous Assignments for School Year 2022 – 2023: