Assignments for 04/29/2019

Assignments due for the week of April 29th, 2019

Practical Public Speaking

Be prepared to finish any Informative speeches we have not yet done due to absences. We will begin and enjoy our Demonstration speeches in our next class. If you have not yet given me your subject for this speech, be sure to email me by Friday, April 26.

Adventures in American Literature

Begin our next book, The Giver by Lois Lowry, by reading Chapters 1-12 and answering questions 1-30 in your new study guide. At the age of 82, she is still alive today! Note the characteristics of a dystopian novel and identify what freedoms have been given up to achieve this way of life.

Watch the following video about dystopias in literature:

No-Spin Economics

Read Chapters 10-12 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? We will discuss the ideas and principles in class. Watch Crash Course Economics video #9 and complete the study guide you were given in class.

Look at the website of the national debt. Locate the total debt (under “U.S. National Debt”) in the upper lefthand corner. How long does it take for the U.S. to add $1,000,000 to our national debt total?

Watch the following brief video to get a better idea of how much one trillion dollars actually is.

Review today’s assignment for a quiz next week. Penny Candy Chapters 7-9 and Crash Course Economics video #7.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Begin our last novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, by reading Chapters 1-14 and answering questions 1-34 in your new study guide. Observe the detailed use of “local color” throughout this section and watch for details of the historical time period. (during and after the Great Depression in the deep South).

Previous Assignments: