Assignments for 04/19/2021

Assignments due for the week of April 19th, 2021

Practical Public Speaking

Great start today on our Informative speeches! Don’t forget to turn in your outline before you give your speech–handwritten or typed. We will finish all of our Informative speeches next week. Our Demonstration speeches will be due in two weeks–Monday, April 26. Please decide on a subject that you’re familiar with and give me your selection next week so that you know what you will be demonstrating. This will be one of the most fun to give and the most fun to listen to! We went over ideas today from which to choose. It should be something that you are familiar with and really enjoy. Check out page 64 in your notebook for preparing visual aids (in any of your speeches) and also pages 65 and 66 to see an example of a sentence outline. Please make an outline for each of these longer speeches that we will be doing. It can be a topic outline or a sentence outline. Your Demonstration speech should be at least 6-8 minutes.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Finish the rest of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (Chapters 15-31) and answer questions 35-72 in your study guide. Keep in mind the various themes we discussed and try to follow them throughout the book. Watch the following clips from your reading.

No-Spin Economics

We covered and reviewed the handout on Crash Course Economics #7 and the notes from Penny Candy Chapters 7- 9. We will have a quiz on this video and these chapters in our next class period. Also, watch Crash Course video #9 and fill out the handout you were given in class. Read Chapters 10-12 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? The material in these chapters has been covered before, and this will just reinforce those principles. Chapter 11 in Penny Candy will remind you again of how much a trillion really is!!

Crash Course video #9

Adventures in American Literature

If you were assigned a short story for next week, read that story and tell it to the class. We will then, as a class, discuss the stories and apply some of our literary terms to these famous American short stories. Let me know if you need help with a link to read the story.

In your notebook, read the poems by Carl Sandburg on pages 141-143 and answer the questions on page 144.

Read the story “The Sculptor’s Funeral” by Willa Cather and answer the questions on pages 145 and 146.

Read the poem “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost and answer the questions on page 148.

Previous Assignments: