Assignments for 04/13/2020

Assignments due for the week of April 13th, 2020


Enjoy the next week without having a major assignment due!! We will meet in class via Zoom on Monday, April 13. Be prepared for your one-on-one debate to be given online that day. We will have judges present to help decide which person was most persuasive on each of the teams. We will select each in random order, and a toss of the coin will give you, as the winner, the choice of going first or second. After each presenter has given his constructive (approximately 4 minutes), there will be a 3 minute crossfire between the two. You were also assigned a “side” in our next debate as well as a position on that team: first constructive, second constructive, summary, final focus, or research. Research your side and also the points for your presentation so that you can go over them with your team on the 13th.

Explorations in British Literature

Read the poem “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll that we discussed in class.

Watch this version of “Jabberwocky” by the Muppets!

Watch these limericks by Edward Lear:

Watch this excerpt from the musical The Pirates of Penzance. W.S. Gilbert was a master of satire and nonsense. He wrote the lyrics for light operas and is another example of Victorian humor.

Great response to the online class today. Thanks!

No-Spin Economics

Loved seeing 100% of the class online today! Thanks for your patience with my computer dying!! I will keep it plugged in all day from now on! I will send your moms the test on Crash Course Economics videos 1-6. Just make sure I get it back by April 13 when we meet again.

Take a look at the U.S. debt in real time. Look at how fast it is changing (by the second!) Also see that because of the new $2 trillion package, the debt is ahead of the GDP total!

Watch the following video just to comprehend how much a trillion really is. We will get some other great verbal descriptions as we continue in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

Quick Looks at Great Books

Read Chapters 1-14 in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and answer questions 1-34 in your study guide. We will discuss the characters and the events when we meet online on April 13th.

Watch this brief scene so that you can get a “visual” for the children you are reading about.

Previous Assignments: