Assignments for 03/09/2020

Assignments due for the week of March 9th, 2020


Your first official debate will be in class on March 9. Make contact with each other as a group to finalize each of the prepared speeches. (1st Constructive, 2nd Constructive, Summary, and Final Focus) The remaining team members should be prepared with research for your side as well as the opposing side. Plan when you will use your time-outs and be prepared to let team members signal you when they feel they need time to discuss points and rebuttals. (Each team will have two minutes of “time-outs” to use any time after the first constructive and before the Final Focus. You can use one minute, two minutes, or 30 seconds at a time.) Your job is to persuade the judges to agree with your position.

Listen to the following “rapid speech” debate and plan to speak in a personal, convincing, conversational way to your judges! This video is NOT our goal for persuading your judges!

Speed debaters spew serious policy points video on YouTube

Explorations in British Literature

Continue your reading of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Read Chapters 28-40 and answer the corresponding questions in your study guide. You will have many new characters introduced, but most will play significant roles as the plot unfolds!

Watch the following brief scene of Oliver’s outburst with Noah Claypole.

No-Spin Economics

Read Chapters 5 and 6 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Be prepared to discuss them in class. I will give you handouts from each chapter as well. There are important principles in these chapters. The wage-price spiral will be explained simply for you. Also, don’t forget to be aware of what happens on “Super Tuesday” (March 3) and bring your evaluation to class to share! DON’T FORGET YOUR MAGNIFYING GLASS NEXT WEEK. YOU WILL NEED IT TO EXAMINE THE NEW $100 BILL.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Enjoy the completion of The Count of Monte Cristo and the resolution of many complicated situations! We can continue to be amazed as to how this author could possibly create such intriguing plot twists!! Finish the remaining study guide questions, and we will begin discussing the many themes Dumas intended to convey. Be prepared to discuss any surprises you had as you completed your reading.

Abridged version — Chapters 64-71
Unabridged version — Chapters 104-117
Study guide questions 91-105

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