Assignments for 03/01/2021

Assignments due for the week of March 1st, 2021

Practical Public Speaking

Nice start on your first speech given to the class! You all tried to incorporate many points that we discussed in class. We will make up the rest of these memorization speeches next week and will continue with our manuscript speeches. Keep working on volume and project to the back of the class!! 🙂

Prepare the manuscript speech that you chose from the list in class. Please locate the speech online as soon as possible and let me know if you have any problems. Research the background for your selected speech and deliver it with the passion the original author intended! (Don’t forget to email me if you choose to change your speech or choose one of your own and give me your title and speaker.) Please mark your “script” as we discussed in class today to help you with your delivery. (Refer to page 36 in your notebook for help in preparing your speech.) Concentrate particularly on inflection, articulation, (speaking clearly) and eye contact. If you have chosen a longer speech, edit and condense it so that it is around 5 minutes and no more than 10 minutes. Remember, you should not SOUND like you are reading the speech! 🙂

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and answer questions 83-90 in your study guide.

  • Abridged version — Chapters 54-63
  • Unabridged version — Chapters 82-103

The plot thickens against the Count’s enemies, but he must also face a serious challenge. Be ready for some real “Gasp” moments!!

No-Spin Economics

What an interesting study of our coins today and of the history behind them!! We will finish our study and observation of the dollar bill next week and “tie up” some other loose ends.

Next week we will have a quiz on Crash Course Economics #4 (Supply and Demand) Today you were given the handout for that video. Watch the video at the following link. We will go over the worksheet BEFORE you take the quiz.

Watch the following Crash Course video and complete the handout you were given today in class.

Adventures in American Literature

Interesting adventures as Huck and Jim continue their journey down the Mississippi River! Please keep up with the reading each week so that we can talk about the events and their implications. For next week, read Chapters 19-29 and answer questions 48-68. The adventures continue as they travel through Arkansas and Mississippi.

Watch the following scene when Huck disguised himself as a girl.

Previous Assignments: