Assignments for 02/10/2020

Assignments due for the week of February 10th, 2020


Hopefully, you now understand the meaning of the Logical Fallacies listed on page 24 of your notebook. Watch the following video to learn more about some of the most common fallacies.

Create two bumper stickers with a phrase that demonstrates one of the logical fallacies. You must use two different fallacies, and your bumper stickers need to be illustrated. You can either draw these on a sheet of paper, or you can design them on your computer. Also, identify two different logical fallacies (on a separate sheet of paper) from any advertisements of your choice. (radio, TV, internet, billboard, etc.) Now is a good time to watch the recent Super Bowl ads and find two examples. You can easily find these online.

Explorations in British Literature

We will finish our study of John Keats and his “Ode to a Nightingale” next week. Read the excerpts on pages 125-129 from Jane Austen’s novels. Underline details that reveal something of early 19 th century life or details that challenge what you know of the Romantic movement. Read the Victorian excerpts on pages 130-132. Underline any statement that gives an example of exploitation of 19 th century people. (a protest of ways people are being treated) On pages 133-137, read Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott”. Define the rhyme scheme that Tennyson used. On page 137 write a paragraph that tells the story of the poem. (What happened, and who was involved?) In Part C give an example of the contrasting pairs.

You can listen to the poem and see it illustrated here:

Don’t forget to be ready for an assignment in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens in our next class. You will receive a study guide, but you will need to get or borrow a copy of the book.

No-Spin Economics

Be prepared for a quiz on your notes from The Law by Frederic Bastiat, Crash Course Economics video # 1, and Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Chapters 1 and 2. You can study the notes we went over and also refer to the past assignments below to watch the video again.

Also, read Chapters 3 & 4 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Watch Crash Course video # 3 and complete the handouts from both assignments.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and answer questions 19-51 in your study guide.

Abridged version—–Chapters 13-27
Unabridged version——Chapters 16-35

There’s an unraveling plot, suspense, and surprises in this section, along with lots of new characters!

Watch the following video to see the Chateau d’If as it is today.

Please watch the video AFTER you have read this week’s assignment.

Previous Assignments: