Assignments for 01/27/2020

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Assignments due for the week of January 27th, 2020


You were assigned to one of three groups: logos, pathos, or ethos. Find the origin of the word, various meanings, changes over the years, and other words related to it. Be prepared to share your results in class.

Watch the following clip from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and identify the faulty logic.

Construct a simple syllogism that is both valid and sound and hand it in at the beginning of our next class.

Explorations in British Literature

We will finish page 103 together in class next week. Read Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” on pages 104-106 and answer the questions about each stanza. Read the two poems on pages 107 and 108 by Robert Burns (from Scotland) and answer the questions. Read and answer the questions about William Blake’s two poems, “”The Lamb” and “The Tyger” on pages 109 and 110. Read William Wordsworth’s excerpt from “Tintern Abbey” and complete the questions. (These are all Romantic poets.)

Listen to Blake’s poem “The Tyger” instead of reading it. 🙂

No-Spin Economics

We’ll look forward to looking at your “Economic IQ” again at the end of the semester and noting the changes!

As a basis for our study of economics, watch the following brief summary of Frederic Bastiat’s The Law and complete the sheet of key facts you were given in class.

Watch Crash Course Economics Video #1 (Introduction to Economics) and complete the study sheet you were given in class. (Questions 1-18) We will discuss, explain, and apply the main points.

Remember to secure a copy of the book Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? (by Richard Maybury) as we will have an assignment in it next week.

Quick Looks at Great Books

We will finish our study guide for Cyrano de Bergerac next week in class and have a game review before our test on the play. Watch the following final scene from the story.

In your Literary Terms notebook, complete pages 1-3 (Denotation and Connotation), pages 4 & 5 (Idiom), pages 8 & 9 (Imagery), pages 13-15 (Oxymoron and Paradox), and pages 22-24 (Alliteration).



Previous Assignments: