Assignments for 05/10/2021

Assignments due for the week of May 10th, 2021

Practical Public Speaking

Interesting skills and information given to us today in our Demonstration speeches! We will begin our last major speech next week–the Persuasive speech. Please email me with your topic if you did not give it to me today in class. Also, plan to make up any speeches you are missing next week as well.

Quick Looks at Great Books

We looked at the life and writing style of Ernest Hemingway today as we began our discussion of The Old Man and the Sea. We will take our second quiz and finish our discussion of all the study guide questions. Note, especially, Hemingway’s religious imagery throughout the last half of the book. We will review and be ready for our final test the following week. (May 17) To help review the entire book, complete page 13 in your study guide, the Chronolog, which is a review of the entire book in chronological order.

Watch the following brief video on the life of Hemingway:

No-Spin Economics

Today we had our quiz on Crash Course Economics videos #10 and #11 and also on the Federal Reserve Bank information sheet I gave you. We then went over the handout for Crash Course Economics video #12, and you were given notes to study from Chapter 13 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Please study these sheets to prepare for a quiz. We will take the quiz in class and then go over it together so that you can put it in your notebook to study for the final exam.

Finally, read Chapters 14 and 15 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? We will conclude our discussion of Natural Law and Economic Prosperity. We will then begin preparing for our final exam which we will take the last day of class–May 24.

Adventures in American Literature

Great thoughts and observations from your reading on the first half of The Giver! I think you can already see clearly the problems that come with a dystopian community! For next week, finish the book and the corresponding study guide questions. We will discuss your thoughts on the ending of the story!

Watch the following brief interview with Lois Lowry herself, the author of this book. (She is still alive today!)

Previous Assignments: