Assignments for 03/22/2021

Assignments due for the week of March 22nd, 2021

Practical Public Speaking

Some of you are completely up-to-date with our speeches and have no new one due for next week. If you have not done your extemporaneous news article speech, please have it ready to present next Monday. (If you need to review the directions for any past speech, please refer to past assignments given at the bottom of this page.) Each student should be done with all of our shorter speeches so that we can begin working on our three big assignments—Informative, Demonstration, and Persuasive. For next week, brainstorm for a topic for your Informative speech. Please come to class with page 41 in your notebook completed. Follow the directions on the page as we went over them in class today. I will meet with each student individually next week to help you narrow your top three choices to the one that will work best for your speech. I want everyone to have a topic chosen BEFORE spring break. We will avoid duplicate topics and maybe save some choices for one of our other speeches. Let me know if you have any questions about completing page 41.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great discussion and review today! You did a great job in the Jeopardy review game and in analyzing some of the events and themes in the book. We will finish a final quick review game before we take our test in class next week. I will also give you your new study guide for our next book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. We will go over the background for the novel which takes place in the 1930’s in the South in America. Our last two novels will be by American authors. You will need to have a copy of the book by the time we return from spring break on April 5. If you are not traveling, you can start the book over spring break when you have extra time. Our first quiz on the book will be on Monday, April 12.

Since you have no new reading to do, please complete the following pages in your Literary Terms notebook: Story Within a Story (pages 94 & 95), Stream of Consciousness (pages 96-98), Surprise Endings (pages 99 & 100), and Suspense (pages 101-103).

Watch the following quick review of two key symbols in The Count of Monte Cristo.

No-Spin Economics

We did a quick review game before our quiz on the U.S. coins and currency. Then we reviewed for our quiz on Crash Courses #3 and #5. Watch Crash Course #6 and fill out the handout you were given in class today.

Next week before spring break, we will have a test on Crash Course Economics videos #1-#6. We will go over the handout you were given and then review with a game all six videos before we take the test. You can study your handouts for each video or watch the previous videos by going to past assignments at the bottom of this page. There will be no assignment over your break.

Adventures in American Literature

Fantastic observations as we played Jeopardy to review The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn! We went over the remaining questions in the study guide before you took the test.

You were given a study guide for our test on the frontier hero, tall tales, and the various authors we have studied before we began Huckleberry Finn. The study guide sheet has everything you need to review for the test. The authors and their works are given in a matching section, so you just have to identify the work by each author. Also, the literary terms and their definitions are in a matching section. Refer to your Literary Terms sheet for the exact definitions to study.

We will be reading several short stories by different authors after spring break. Please begin by reading “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” by Bret Harte.

Complete pages 128 and 129 in your notebook about this story and its characters.

You will have no homework over your spring break.

Previous Assignments: