Assignments for 03/15/2021

Assignments due for the week of March 15th, 2021

Practical Public Speaking

We have now finished all of our manuscript speeches. What a nice variety of topics and speakers presented! We began our Introduction speeches and will finish them next week. Remember, to project to your audience and not to READ your speech to us. Just talk to us and use notes as needed.

Next week, we will do our last extemporaneous speech before we begin our major speeches. (Informative, Demonstration, and Persuasive) In preparation for our major speeches to come, this one should be at least three minutes. Find a news article that interests you and share it with the class. Give the title and then tell us the main points of the story. You may find a human interest story or a major news event for the week. (international, national, or local) Use newspapers, magazines, or online news websites. (Fox News, CNN, Kalamazoo Gazette,, etc.) Use note cards of some kind, but DON’T read the article to us!! You should have the major points in your notes. (You might also want to write down any dates or statistics you want to remember.) Just tell us the story in order to maintain eye contact and a conversational tone with your audience. Many of you are “soft-spoken”, so continue to work on increasing your volume!! 🙂

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great job on trying to portray one of the many characters in The Count of Monte Cristo by means of Charades!! You did a great job acting them out and also guessing the characters! We will continue to explain much of the details in the final chapters of the book as well as review the events and characters by participating in two competitive games. We will have our final test at the beginning of class on March 22. You will have a chance to get your new study guide before spring break. Finish any reading you have not yet completed in the novel.

For next week, work on the following pages in your Literary Terms Notebook as we continue to finish it before the end of the year. Pun (pages 86-88), Rhetorical Question (pages 89-91), and Satire, Parody, and Farce (pages 92 & 93).

Watch the following video to briefly explain and illustrate the term satire.

No-Spin Economics

We had a fascinating examination of the U.S. currency today and noted the many ways our government has tried to prevent counterfeiting. Microprinting and security threads are just part of the efforts. Next week, we will have our quiz on coins and currency. Study the handout you were given two weeks ago, the sheet on the dollar bill, and the sheet from today on the $100 bill. The quiz will be both matching and True and False, Watch the following videos about the making of our bills to conclude our study from today.

We will also finish going over the handout from Crash Course Economics #5 (Macroeconomics) before we have a quiz on #3 and #5. (Go to the bottom of this page and check the assignments for last week if you’d like to review those videos.)

Lastly, read Chapters 5 and 6 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? We will talk about these chapters in class.

Adventures in American Literature

Great job in piecing together the lessons the author taught us in the final chapters of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We will have our final test next week after we play a competitive game review! Review the characters and events for next week as well as your past quizzes. Watch the following videos to review themes, symbols, motifs, etc. from this novel.





Since you have finished your reading, please take time to watch and process these brief discussions to learn more about Twain’s ideas.

Previous Assignments: