Assignments for 02/08/2021

Assignments due for the week of February 8th, 2021

Practical Public Speaking

Critical listening is crucial! To help you realize techniques that others may be using to persuade you, go over page 12 in your notebook to review the strategies. Choose three advertisements from TV, radio, or internet to illustrate three of your choices from page 12. (This week is a good time to choose from some of the most unique ads from the Super Bowl!) Be prepared to turn in your choices by listing the ad, explaining what it was about and what it was “selling”, and listing the strategy that was used.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and answer questions 19-50 in your study guide.

  • Abridged version — Chapters 13-27
  • Unabridged version — Chapters 16-35

Be prepared for an unraveling plot, suspense, and surprises in this section, along with new characters introduced!!

Watch the following video to see the Chateau d’If as it is today.

Please watch this video AFTER you have read this week’s assignment.

No-Spin Economics

Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Complete the notes sheets you were given in class to use to review for future quizzes and tests. Watch Crash Course Economics #2—Specialization and Trade at the following link and answer the questions on the handout you were given.

We will finish discussing your incentives (perverse and good) for littering and also see what you came up with for spending in the national government if you cut other budgets.

Adventures in American Literature

Read the poems of Civil War poet Walt Whitman on pages 105-111, answering questions given and following any other instructions. Next, begin to familiarize yourself with the works of Mark Twain by reading “The Story of the Bad Little Boy” and answering questions on pages 114-116. Read Chapter 2 (an excerpt from his novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer on pages 118-120. Answer the questions on page 121. For Part B, just put the maxim in a sentence using your own words. Lastly, read “A Burlesque Biography” on pages 122 and 123 and his Diaries from Adam and Eve on pages 125-128. Don’t forget to find a copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain by next week.

Previous Assignments: