Assignments for 12/14/2020

Assignments due for the week of December 14th, 2020

Merry Christmas and Tree


We covered in class the three types of passages that will occur on the ACT Science Test. All of the passages will be one of the three, and we discussed the strategies for each of them. I will send the ACT Science Test to the moms. You should take the test and send your answer sheet back to me. If I have not already received your Math and Reading tests, please get those to me by next week as well. Thanks for all your extra effort in covering this material.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great job on the review of George Eliot’s Silas Marner! I will send the moms the final test on the book. Please get your answers back to me before next week’s class. Let me know if you have any questions at all before you take the test. For next week, review the lives of the two Victorian authors we have read so far — Charles Dickens and George Eliot. You will find a biography page on their lives in the beginning of each of your study guides. We will review their lives for a short quiz. Then we will discuss the traditions of a Victorian Christmas and how Charles Dickens influenced many of the ways we observe Christmas today. We will celebrate as the Victorians would!!

Watch the following video to gain context into Dickens’s writing of this famous novel:

U.S. Government

I loved your participation today in our discussions of Immigration, Citizenship, the Supreme Court, the Law, and Trial. We will finish the last lesson and do a game review of all those lessons for our final test for the semester before the final exam. So much in our lessons today is practical, and their terms you will encounter very often! Watch the following video for a virtual tour of our Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.

Lastly, for next week, complete Lessons 18-20, State Government, City Government, and the Post Office. Below you will find the answers to the crosswords on pages 69, 73, and 77.


ACROSS                   DOWN

1. Political                2. Legislature
6. Auditor                3. Superintendent
8. Attorney              4. Four
9. Constitutional    5. Secretary
12. Governor           7. Rhode Island
13. Appeals             10. Nebraska
14. Ad interim        11. Property


ACROSS                  DOWN

1. Municipality        2. Charter
5. Home rule           3. Tax base
8. Machines            4. Nonpartisan
9. Sumter                6. Mayor-council
10. Strong               7. Cleveland
12. Commission   11. Weak
13. Patronage
14. Grants


ACROSS             DOWN

3. Neale              1. Fairbanks
5. Franklin        2. Zoning
6. Mailgrams    4. Express
7. Stamps          8. Parcel
9. Facer            10. Paid
12. Mailbox      11. Collect
13. Dead
14. Priority

When we go over these lessons, I will tell you what you need to know for the final exam.

Adventures in American Literature

Great review of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter in our game today! I will send the moms the final test for the book. Please complete it and send it back to me by our next class period.

For next week’s class read “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving.

Be prepared for a quiz on the events of the story.

Next week, we will also discuss how Washington Irving was instrumental in influencing the way Americans celebrate Christmas. I like to call him the “Charles Dickens of America”! 🙂

Watch this video to learn more about Washington Irving’s life and influence.

Previous Assignments: