Assignments for 09/28/2020

Assignments due for the week of September 28th, 2020


Finish the last of the practice Reading sections — the historical analysis passage on “The Great Seal” — and answer the ten questions. (Pages 19-22 in your notebook) We will go over this last section and then take the practice Reading PSAT test. (60 minutes) You will get to keep the test booklet, and I will return your graded answer sheet the following week.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Next week we will take our quiz on the historical pages in your study guide. (Pages 2-33) Read the brief Background Information on pages 38 and 39. Start your reading of the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens by reading “Book One – Recalled to Life” Chapters 1-6. Try to answer questions 1-14 on pages 40 and 41 to check your comprehension. We will go over all of this and answer any questions you may have before we take a quiz.

U.S. Government

Great discussion on the current situation in the Supreme Court! Watch for the new Supreme Court nomination this Friday or Saturday. Know who it is and find out some basic facts about the nominee.

Complete pages 6-8 in your notebook and prepare for a quiz on Lessons 1 and 2. (Matching section with terms on pages 4 and 8) Know the three branches of government, each of their functions, the two parts of Congress, and the length of terms for a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representative. Watch this brief video for a review of information on the three branches of government:

Adventures in American Literature

Read the historical accounts written by John Smith and William Bradford and answer the questions on pages 9-14 in your American literature notebook. Read the poem by Edward Taylor and answer the questions on pages 15-16. Lastly, read Anne Bradstreet’s poem about the burning of her house and notice how her Puritan beliefs are evidenced in her reaction to her loss.

Previous Assignments: