Assignments for 05/18/2020

Assignments due for the week of May 18th, 2020


Nice job on the “Balloon Debates” in class! Don’t forget to connect with your teammates as you finish your preparations for our final debate of the year next Monday. Try to apply all the suggestions you have been given over the past weeks to present your best performance ever! Communicate as needed by phone or email and implement the suggestions of your group today.

Explorations in British Literature

The moms will receive the final test for Animal Farm and the matching quiz of authors and their works. Please look over your notes and then take the test and the quiz. Email them to me before next week’s class. Use the study guide you will receive to begin studying for your final exam. We will go over it and also play a review game to prepare for the exam.

No-Spin Economics

After you have finished your review, take the test on Whatever to Penny Candy? Chapters 1-13. Begin your review for the final exam by reviewing your handouts for Crash Course Economics videos 1-7 and 9-12. The exam will cover some of the information from your Penny Candy book as well. (We will play another review game next week!)

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete the final test on The Old Man and the Sea and return it to me before next week’s class. Begin your review for our final exam by going over your Literary Terms notebook and reviewing your study guides for the six novels we have read this year. I have great expectations of how well you’ll do and how much you know!

Watch the following video to review some of our most common literary terms:

Previous Assignments: