Assignments for 04/27/2020

Assignments due for the week of April 27th, 2020


Nice job finishing up the one-on-one debates from last week. Next week will be our first major team debate. Even though you had time with your team in class, you will probably need to make contact by email or phone as you continue your preparations this week. Research people should be particularly prepared with statistics and points to use in the crossfire as well as being thoroughly prepared to challenge the opposing side. Let team members know how you change your presentation to see if they have other suggestions for you. Please try to improve specifically on the areas we discussed in class. Remember that the key goal in debate is PERSUASION. Use your information as well as your inflection, eye contact, and passion to convince the judges to vote for your side of the topic. Present yourself as fully convinced! 🙂

Explorations in British Literature

Your mom will receive the multiple choice quiz on the life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Make sure you take it and return it to me by next week.

Read “The Adventures of the Blue Carbuncle” about Sherlock Holmes and be prepared for discussion and a quiz next week.

Read the excerpt from H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds on pages 157-159 and answer the four questions.

Read T.S. Eliot’s poem “Cats” on page 160. Be prepared to discuss your observations of the cats and their unique names.

Watch the following clip from the Broadway musical “Cats” based on Eliot’s poem.

Watch a few minutes of an example of a song from “Cats”.

Don’t forget to email me your original limerick by next Monday so that our illustrators can do their job! 🙂

Here are more of Lear’s works for examples.

No-Spin Economics

Don’t forget to take the quiz over this week’s assignment and return it to me. (Quiz on Penny Candy Chapters 7-9 and Crash Course Economics # 7)

For our next class read Chapter 13 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Watch Crash Course Economics videos #10 & #11.

Watch for an email with the handouts for videos #10 and #11 and also study notes for the chapters in your book.

Crash Course Economics #10

Crash Course Economics #11

Quick Looks at Great Books

Your moms will receive the final quiz for To Kill a Mockingbird. Please return it to me before next week’s class.

For review for our final test, complete the Chronolog on page 16 of your study guide.

In your Literary Terms notebook, make sure you have completed terms 1-13 and terms 19-40. I will check your notebook, and I will continue to review these pages with you in class.

We will review for our test on To Kill a Mockingbird with a game review next week in our Zoom class and finish our discussion of the author’s themes and motif.

Watch these videos from the book’s concluding chapters:

Previous Assignments: