Assignments for 03/30/2020

Assignments due for the week of March 30th, 2020


If you have a debate partner now, as well as a topic, make sure you complete the constructive (approximately 4 minutes) for your one-on-one debate. (See the assignment from last week for more specific instructions.) When you have it done, email it to me. We will put these on hold for now and will do them online if our time away from the classroom is extended. We will invite an audience to help us judge the winners. I realize that many of you did not get your topic until later in the week, so if you can finish it this next week, that would be great.

For our next major debate with two teams, we will be debating whether or not the United States should continue to mint the penny. I would like all of you to research both sides of this issue. Next week, I will divide you into two teams, each one debating one side of this issue. You will be able to find lots of information and opinions on this topic. Start gathering info on both sides. That way you will know where your opposing team will be headed. Let me know if you have any questions at all.

Explorations in British Literature

You will be receiving two videos to review for our final test on Oliver Twist. I will be sending Quiz #4 to a parent to give to you first. Then make sure you watch the review videos which would have been done in our class time. After that, you will be ready to take the final test, which I will send to your mom as well. If you could send the quiz and the test back to me by next Tuesday (March 31), that would be great. (Scan the documents back to me, take a picture and email them, or use the free app “Clear Scanner” which takes a picture and emails it as a PDF—if you do not have to have the capability to scan). The review videos you were given last week will also help you see the symbolism in the novel and the significance of the major characters and themes. Here is another commentary on the themes:

As always, please email me if you have any questions at all.

No-Spin Economics

Thank you so much for sending your quizzes to me. If you have not done this yet, please send them this week. Thanks to all of you who joined us on Zoom today. It was great to be able to interact with you and hear your opinions of what is going on currently in our economy! Next week, we will have a test on Crash Course Economic videos 1-6. We will do a game review to cover all the main principles in these videos. Also, read Chapters 8 and 9 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Don’t forget that you already have notes for your notebook for Chapters 7-9 in your book. It’s amazing how so much of the material in the videos and in the book are more pertinent today than even when they were written!! Here is a copy of the last video (#6). You can review the others by going to the past assignments at the bottom of this page. You also have the handout notes for each of these six videos.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Don’t forget to send me the final test for The Count of Monte Cristo as soon as you have taken it. This week, read pages 18-26 in your study guide to familiarize yourself even more with the setting and background of the novel. Make sure you watched the PowerPoint from last week on Harper Lee and the historical background of To Kill a Mockingbird. I will send a quiz on this material to your parent. Please return the completed quiz to me by Tuesday of next week. (March 31) We will spend the next two weeks reading the novel and discussing the characters and events.

Watch this brief video of Harper Lee’s friendship with Truman Capote:

Watch this brief summary of Harper Lee’s life to help you prepare for the quiz:

Previous Assignments: