Assignments for 03/02/2020

Assignments due for the week of March 2nd, 2020


Nice job presenting your “commercials” in class today! Make contact with your entire group by email during this week. Make sure each person knows his/her assigned role in the upcoming debate.

If you are the First or Second Constructive, prepare (and time) a four-minute presentation to share with your team next week. The team should weigh in with suggestions so that you can revise and rewrite before the debate day on Monday, March 9. The Summary person should prepare a two-minute presentation for review by the entire team. (Review your strongest points and make an appeal to the judges for your position.) The Final Focus debater should include an illustration or emotional appeal as the last effort to persuade the judges! (1-2 minutes) The one or two other debaters should be researching the other side’s positions as well as extra material to share with the team.

Explorations in British Literature

Continue your reading of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Read Chapters 15-27 and answer the corresponding questions in your study guide. You will meet more new characters and see other characters’ lives continue, as well as many returning from the past!

No-Spin Economics

Great job remembering your magnifying glasses today! You really needed them to find the microprinting on the bills we examined today. Next week we will have a quiz on Crash Course Economics videos #3 and # 5. Watch video # 5 on Macroeconomics and complete the study sheet you were given. Both videos are below so that you can review #3 as well as go over #5. We will review both in class before the quiz.

We will catch up on some past points and plan to examine the new $100 bill the following week, Monday, March 9.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Continue reading The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and answer questions 83-90 in your study guide.

Abridged version—Chapters 54-63
Unabridged version—Chapters 82-103

The plot thickens against the Count’s enemies, but he must also face a serious challenge. Be ready for some real “Gasp” moments!!!

Previous Assignments: