Assignments for 12/09/2019


Assignments due for the week of December 9th, 2019


We practiced each section type of the Science test today and reviewed some basic science principles with review cards. For more practice before you take the test, watch this video from a sample ACT Science test.

Explorations in British Literature

Great job acting some of the scenes from Twelfth Night and finishing the study guide and details of the Globe Theater and Shakespeare’s life! We will have our final test on the play next week after we do a review game. In your British literature notebook, compete pages 61-63. Read the excerpt from Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and answer the questions. Read the sonnet on pages 65 and 66 and answer the questions after each quatrain. Learn how to read an essay on page 67 and then read Sir Francis Bacon’s essay on studying various subjects and answer the questions on page 69. Read the short poem on page 70 and answer the two questions. (A conceit is a long metaphor that introduces an unusual or witty image.)

U.S. Government

We reviewed the Supreme Court, Law, and Trial today in preparation for our test next week. The test will also cover Immigration and Citizenship. Good pages to review would be pages 60, 64, 68, 52, and 56. We will do a review game before the test. Also, complete pages 70-72 and 74-76. Below are the crossword puzzle answers on pages 69 and 73.

ACROSS                 DOWN
1. political            2. legislature
6. auditor             3. superintendent
8. attorney           4. four
9. constitution     5. secretary
12. governor        7. Rhode Island
13. appeals          10. Nebraska
14. ad interim     11. property

ACROSS                   DOWN
1. municipality      2. charter
5. home rule          3. tax base
8. machines           4. nonpartisan
9. Sumter               6. mayor-council
10. strong              7. Cleveland
12. commission    11. weak
13. patronage
14. grants

We will discuss the state and city governments next week and discuss your opinions on immigration. 🙂

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete the Chronolog you were given in class to review the characters and events in Silas Marner for our final test. We will also have a review game before the test. Complete the following pages in your Literary Terms notebook: Characters & Characterization (pages 52-53), Conflict (pages 54-56), Dialogue (pages 60-61), and Flashback (pages 62-63).

Previous Assignments: