Assignments for 11/18/2019

Assignments due for the week of November 18th, 2019


Watch the following video for tips on taking the ACT Reading test. We will do a practice test and then take the test in class next week.

Explorations in British Literature

Read Act III in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and be prepared for a quiz on the basic events. Complete pages 10-12 and pages 14-15 in your study guide. We will watch more scenes from the play as well as a scene from the Globe Theater production after you have read Act III.

U.S. Government

Review in your notebook for a test on the following subjects: Voting—pages 31 and 32, Electoral College handouts, Republican Party—pages 35 and 36, Democratic Party—pages 39 and 40, the President—pages 43 and 44, and the Vice President—pages 47 and 48.

Watch the following video to review the election process:

Quick Looks at Great Books

Great final review of A Tale of Two Cities. You are now officially aficionados of this novel and this period In history!! (aficionado: an ardent devotee; fan; enthusiast)

Read Chapters 1-7 in our new book, Silas Marner by George Eliot. I know there are a lot of questions from each chapter in your study guide, but try to look over questions 1-45 to make sure you got all the details from your reading. Be prepared to discuss these in our next class.

If you had not completed all of your Literary Terms notebook, finish it for next week. Over the past weeks, you should have completed the following: Hyperbole (pages 4 & 5), Metaphor & Simile (pages 10-12), Personification (pages 16-18), Symbol (pages 19-21), Allusion (pages 49-51), Foreshadowing (pages 64 & 65), and Irony (pages 69-71).

Make sure you know the definition of dramatic irony. This is a big part of Silas Marner. Watch this brief definition.

Previous Assignments: