Assignments for 11/04/2019

Assignments due for the week of November 4th, 2019


Look over the ACT practice grammar sheets we did in class and be prepared for a quiz over the basic grammar rules we have been reviewing.

Explorations in British Literature

We will continue our reports on the historical Renaissance period in England (Elizabethan Age) next week. Complete pages 45-50 in your notebook. Answer the questions about Queen Elizabeth’s poem on page 45. Read the excerpt from an early Greek play on pages 46 and 47. Then answer the questions on page 48. Complete the questions on page 50 after reading the brief excerpt of a famous English morality play. Don’t forget to have a copy of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night by the next class period.

Watch this one-minute review of life in the Elizabethan Age:

U.S. Government

In your notebook, complete pages 34-36 and pages 38-40. Note answers to the crossword puzzle below from pages 33 and 37. You can use this list of terms to help you with the homework pages on the beginnings of our two major political parties.

Page 33 – The Republican Party
Across Clues: Down Clues:
4. Ripon          1. Fremont
5. Watergate  2. Breeds
6. Union          3. Moose
7. Nast             8. Slavery
10. Grand        9. Bovay
11. Hoover      12. Elephant
14. Prosperity 13. Lincoln

Page 37 — The Democratic Party
Across Clues:    Down Clues:
1. Dixiecrats        1. Donkey
4. Copperheads   2. Roosevelt
7. Oldest               3. Republican
8. Tilden               5. Solid
9. “New Deal”      6. Money
11. Jackson          10. Wallace
13. Fair Deal       12. Society

We will finish our discussion and notes on the Electoral College next week. Watch the following video which reviews what we did in class today.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete A Tale of Two Cities by reading Book 3, Chapters 12-15 and complete study guide questions 74-80.

If you did not do this last week, complete pages 16-21 in your Literary Terms notebook. (Personification and Symbolism)

Also, complete pages 49-51 on the literary term Allusion.

Watch the following scene from your reading of the second trial of Charles Darnay:

Previous Assignments: