Assignments for 10/28/2019

Happy autumn season!

Assignments due for the week of October 28th, 2019


Study your verb sheet on the principal parts of verbs to prepare for another quiz next week on common verb errors. We will begin preparing for the grammar section of the ACT. (This will also help you if you take the SAT in the spring.)

Explorations in British Literature

Study for the test on the Middle Ages in British literature. (Be able to match the descriptions of Chaucer’s characters, know the story behind the characters’ tales, review the accounts of Arthur’s death by Mallory and T.H. White, be able to name some characteristics of ballads, review the types of tales, and remember the story of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” written by the Pearl Poet.) Since we did not have time to review that story in class today, read the following brief summary of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”.

U.S. Government

Be prepared for a short quiz next week matching the following Constitutional amendments with their contents. Use the sheet you were given in class to study. (Amendments 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, & 26) There are 17 amendments to the Constitution after the Bill of Rights, but these ten are the most significant. Next week, we will begin our study of the Electoral College.

Watch the following brief video to understand all of the amendments (11-27). Note that our quiz will be specifically over the ones listed above.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Read Book 3, Chapters 9-11 and complete study guide questions 70-73.

Watch the following description of personification:

Watch this explanation of symbolism:

Complete pages 16-21 in your Literary Terms notebook. (Personification and Symbolism)

Previous Assignments: