Assignments for 10/21/2019

Happy autumn season!

Assignments due for the week of October 21st, 2019


We will take the second PSAT Math test in class. You may not use a calculator on this one. (No worries — you won’t need it!) Look over the test we did this week and the answers and solutions I gave you. This will better prepare you for the next one. Go to Khan Academy to the SAT test prep and the math section.

Do four problems in each of the areas on the site:

  1. Heart of algebra
  2. Problem-solving and data analysis
  3. Passport to advanced math
  4. Additional topics in math

Reviewing your mistakes on this week’s test will be super helpful!

Explorations in British Literature

Study for a quiz on the characters in Chaucer’s General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales. Review the descriptions on pages 32–35 in your notebooks and complete the crossword puzzle you were given for more review. Read the lyric poems on pages 40 and 41 and answer the questions about them. Read “Fair Margaret and Sweet William” on pages 42 and 43 and write a paragraph to summarize their story.

Watch the following brief video to review some of the main characters in Chaucer’s Prologue:

U.S. Government

Watch the following video to review for our quiz on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights:

You were given a sheet to define each of the Bill of Rights. Be able to identify these in a matching section and be able to match the following provisions in the articles of the Constitution.

  • Article 1 –– The Legislative Branch
  • Article 2 –– The Executive Branch
  • Article 3 –– The Judicial Branch
  • Article 4 —- Federal & State Governments
  • Article 5 —- Changing the Constitution
  • Article 6 —- Constitution as the Highest Law
  • Article 7 —- Making it Official (Ratification)

Review our other notes about the writing of the Constitution and those involved. (Finished on September 17, 1787)

Quick Looks at Great Books

Read Book 3, Chapters 1-8 and complete study guide questions 59-69. What do you think the title of Book 3 might refer to? (The Track of a Storm) Watch particularly for allusions in this section and try to identify events that we studied earlier in The French Revolution that are now coming to pass!

Definition of allusion:

Previous Assignments: