Assignments for 10/19/2019

Happy autumn season!

Assignments due for the week of October 14th, 2019


We will take the PSAT Math test next week in class. Don’t forget to bring your calculator to class to use on this test. (You may not use cell phones, any calculator that has access to the internet or requires electricity, or any calculator that has a paper tape or makes any kind of noise.)

To prepare for the math sections, go to Khan Academy . Then, go to the SAT test prep and the math section. Do AT LEAST TWO problems in each of the areas on the site:

  1. Heart of algebra
  2. Problem-solving and data analysis
  3. Passport to advanced math
  4. Additional topics in math (page 36 in your notebooks)

You will be given the answers and explanations to all the problems on the test next week.

Explorations in British Literature

Read the summary of the General Prologue.

Take a look at the full General Prologue in modern English to find more details about each character.

On pages 32 and 33 in your notebook, read the description of each of the “pilgrims”. To the left of the number, identify the character described. (You may need to check the link for the modern English version of The Canterbury Tales.) To the right of the description, describe the physical appearance and/or the character traits given. We did 1-6 in class as an example. We will define each character in class next week.

Page 39 is to be used for “Analyzing a Pilgrim’s Tale”. Read the following two tales and answer the questions on this page. One of the tales should be done on a separate piece of notebook paper. Answer the same 1-8 points for each one of the tales.

The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

The Pardoner’s Tale

Remember that with each story, you need to read only the tale itself, not the prologue or other information.

U.S. Government

Be prepared for a quiz next week on the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. Study the terms on pages 19, 23, and 27.

Watch this new video on the explanation and review of the function and duties of Congress: (our bicameral legislature)

Quick Looks at Great Books

Complete Book 2 by finishing Chapters 20-24 (short reading!) and answering study guide questions 53-58. The French Revolution finally comes in full force in July of 1789 as you see the fictional characters interact with the historical characters we have studied. Note the details of the storming of the Bastille and the metaphor (comparison) Dickens makes about the attacking mob. What prior act is referred to when the chateau of the Marquis is set on fire? What is a lodestone rock? There is quite the element of suspense at the end of Book 2!! 🙂

Previous Assignments: