Assignments for 05/20/2019

Assignments due for the week of May 20th, 2019

Practical Public Speaking

All speeches need to be completed next week. Most of you will be doing your Persuasive speech, but we still have three Demonstration speeches to finish. Don’t forget to turn in an outline for each speech, FOLLOWING THE FORMAT ON PAGE 48 IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. Try to incorporate into this last speech all the different areas we have worked on—eye contact, volume, inflection, gestures, strategies in introduction and conclusion, etc. Plan to eat your lunch in our room so that we are sure to have enough time to finish all the speeches we have left.

Adventures in American Literature

We will review the poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay and Robert Frost as well as “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry. Before the final exam, we will do a game review of the terms and material you are to study for the test. Use the Final Exam Review and Study Guide along with the list of Literary Terms to prepare for your exam.

No-Spin Economics

Your final exam will cover Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Chapters 1-13 and Crash Course Economics #1-7 and #9-12. Use your past tests and quizzes as well as your study guides to review. Check the past weeks’ assignments at the bottom of the page if you would like to rewatch any of the videos.

Quick Looks at Great Books

Review for your final exam by studying your Literary Terms notebook. The terms will be covered on the exam in a multiple choice or matching format. Be familiar with the six novels we have read this year. Know the author, main characters, setting, and major events of each book.

Watch the following video for a quick review of some of our key literary terms:

Previous Assignments: