Assignments for 02/03/2025

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Assignments for February 3rd, 2025

Quick Looks at Great Books

Since we did not meet today, I need you to go ahead and fill out the rest of your study guide. Normally, we would have done this together in class. To save time, we will just go over all the details and discuss Acts IV and V. We will also take the quizzes on the two assignments. We will have a game review and test next week. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is our next book. Remember, do not purchase the Bantam version of the book. The translation is quite different from what we will cover.

American History

Continue to study for your test on Chapters 10-17. We will have a game review and then take the test. Just so we don’t lose any time, read Chapter 18 this week. We will discuss it next week, along with Chapter 19, and I will give you a list of things you have to know. (from the Chapter Review) Our next test will be over 3 chapters only! Those with Presidential reports will present them on February 10 instead of February 3.

Watch this explanation of the Reconstruction covered in Chapter 17.

No-Spin Economics

Next week, we will go over the worksheets you have completed so far: Bastiat’s The Law and Introduction to Economics (Crash Course Economics #1). Hopefully, you have a good understanding of these. For next week, also watch and do the worksheet for Crash Course Economics #2. Specialization and Trade are such interesting subjects that we will discuss in class.

Crash Course Economics #2

Please complete the Crash Course in Economics Lesson #2 sheet (PDF).

Practical Public Speaking

Hopefully, you picked up your text at KAT today. Since we are missing another week of Public Speaking, please complete pages 1-6 in your notebook. (Put the Public Speaking text in a three-ring binder.) We can then go over all the pages thus far. We will also have some homework that involves the Super Bowl. (Or really the ads on the Super Bowl.)

Adventures in American Literature

Today, we would have gone over Redburn, Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment, and The Minister’s Black Veil. We will go over all of those when I’m back with you. Since you have the second semester booklet (text) now, you can do the homework we were going to do, and we can go over all of it at once. We would have done Thanatopsis by William Jennings Bryan in class. Read the poem on pages 89 and 90 and answer the questions on page 91. Thanatopsis is a poem about Death. He wrote the poem at the age of 17; even then he was surrounded by death, so he took a positive approach to it.

Read the works of the Fireside Poets on pages 92-97 and answer the questions about each. Oliver Wendell Holmes was the class poet at Harvard, and this is a poem he wrote for his 30th reunion. We have two other famous poets before we start novels and Mark Twain.

Watch this introduction to the Fireside Poets.

Previous Assignments for School Year 2024 – 2025: