Assignments for 05/15/2023

Assignments due for the week of May 15th, 2023

crocus flowers

Quick Looks at Great Books

We went over the final questions in your study guide for The Old Man and the Sea and took Quiz #2. Next week, we will go over the Chronolog on page 13, do a game review, and take our final test. We also went over all that will be covered on the final exam on May 22. Start studying for that as soon as you can.

Practical Public Speaking

Great, fun Demonstration speeches today!! Plan to bring a lunch with you next week, and we will continue through the first half of the lunch period so that we can finish all of our Demonstration speeches. I am still missing a topic for your demonstration from the following students: David, Mark, Will, Darrin, and Samuel.

American History

Great job on your reports on the lives of the Presidents! We will conclude with Mallory (Barack Obama) and Benny (Joe Biden) next week. We will have a test on the second half of the Presidents (McKinley through Biden) and the U.S. state locations on a map next week. (Study for the map test on pages 540 and 541 in your text.) Also, you can study the list of Presidents in order on page 538 in your text. The test on the second half of the Presidents will be just like the first one, I went over everything you needed to know for the test. Here are the Presidents we did not get to go over in class after the reports

—Richard Nixon Pushed the 26th Amendment giving 18 year olds the right to vote; President when American landed on the moon; 1st and only President ever to resign;
(Watergate Scandal)

—Gerald Ford Only President from the state of Michigan;
Only President never to be elected to President or VP; (appointed by Nixon to replace Spiro Agnew and then later replaced Nixon when he resigned) Pardoned Nixon when he took office to heal the country and move forward;

—Jimmy Carter Famous for Camp David Accords (Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt) Period of high prices for gas and oil: Lowered speed limit to 55 mph; Could not negotiate release of American hostages in Iran: More popular for what he did AFTER he left office:

—Ronald Reagan Believed in small government and big defense; Made America look strong to the world; Known as “The Great Communicator”; Former actor; Called Russia the “evil empire”; Gave weapons to Iran to free U,S, hostages in Lebanon; Profits sent to Contras who were opponents of Communist regime in Nicaragua; (Iran Contra Affair)

—George H.W. Bush Parachuted out of a plane shot down in World War II and survived; Jumped out of plane to celebrate his 80th, 85th and 90th birthdays; Gulf War (Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait) Unpopular because he broke a promise—“Read my lips—no new taxes!”

—Bill Clinton Saxophonist; Impeached for lying about personal life; 1st Democrat elected to a second term since FDR; Lost Health Care Bill; Very popular and good economic times;

—George W. Bush Only father/son elected to President since John Quincy Adams and his father John Adams; President during 9-11-2001 Attack on Twin Towers and other targets; Declared War on Terror; Sent U.S. troops to Afghanistan to dismantle the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and to Iraq to overthrow the dictator Saddam Hussein;

—Barack Obama First African American President; Tried to reduce global impact of 2008 Financial Crisis; Passed the ACA (Obamacare) to provide federally-funded health care for all; Tried to have better relations with Cuba;

—Donald Trump Close election over Hillary Clinton; Never drank alcohol or smoked; Named 3 Justices to the Supreme Court; Enacted tax cuts; Non-politician who tried to curb immigration; Impeached 2 times; Term characterized by Covid-19 pandemic;

—Joe Biden Former Senator and Vice President; Oldest person ever elected as President (78) Backed Black Lives Matter and Green New Deal; Opened Southern Border;
Promised to unite country but unpopular after two years;
Had 1st female Vice President;

Here are the final videos of the rest of our Presidents.

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

There are no 60 second Presidential videos for Trump or Biden yet.

No-Spin Economics

Next week, we will have a test over the first 13 Chapters in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Study the summaries you were given of each of these chapters and any past quizzes or tests on these chapters.

Today, we applied the things we have learned about the Government’s handling of deficits, debt, and default to our personal lives and explained the idea of personal credit scores.

Adventures in American Literature

We discussed some of the second half of The Giver and took the second quiz. Next week we will go over the rest of the study guide questions, play a review game, and take the final test on this book. The students were also given a sheet to study for the final exam. Everything you need to know for the exam is on the study guide!

Watch the analysis of the main characters in The Giver.

Previous Assignments for School Year 2022 – 2023: