Assignments for 03/23/2020

Assignments due for the week of March 23rd, 2020


Be sure to email me by midnight Tuesday (March 17) with your top three choices for the one-on-one debates. (Check your email!) I will get back to you by midnight on Thursday with your assigned selection. Assignments will be made on a first-response basis. (You do NOT have to wait until midnight on Tuesday to give me your choices!) 🙂

Once you know your selection, prepare a 4 minute constructive supporting your view of the subject. Make sure you state specific points and back them up with evidence. You should also research the opposing side so that you will know how to answer points and questions in the crossfire. These will be “mini- debates” with a full four minute constructive for each person and then a three minute crossfire between the two of you. You may write out and time your presentation but don’t forget to review it well so that you can use eye contact and voice inflection to persuade your audience. Please email me with any questions you may have.

Explorations in British Literature

Hopefully, you have finished your reading of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and answered your study guide questions.

Please email me with any questions you may have had in completing your study guide.

After you have finished the book, watch the following video to review the main characters.

Watch the following brief discussion of the symbols in the novel.

Here is the BBC Oliver Twist movie we have been watching in class if you would like to see the rest of it.

Review the characters and plot for our final test. Read pages 138-141 in your British literature notebook and answer the four questions about the life of Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

No-Spin Economics

I will be sending your two quizzes to your parents for you to take sometime this week. (one on the new $100 bill and one on the U.S. coins and currency) For this week, read Chapter 7 in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? I will send in an email the handouts for Chapters 7-9, which you will use for the next two weeks.

Also watch Crash Course Economics #6 (Productivity and Growth)

In an email, you will be sent the handout to fill out for this video and a guide to study for the quiz.

Quick Looks at Great Books

I will be sending an email with a recorded review of The Count of Monte Cristo for our final test. After you have watched the review, a parent will administer our final test for you. Please feel free to email with any questions you may have before you take the test.

You will be receiving the study guide for To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In preparation for reading the book, this week we will be focusing on the historical background for the novel. (1930’s in the South–Alabama) Watch the following powerpoint to become more familiar with what that era was really like.

Previous Assignments: